Issue #1: subclass sioc:Community from ...
Proposal: subclass sioc:Cummunity from sioc:Container
Consequences: property names sioc:has_part / sioc:part_of can be reused.
Decision: ...
> - subclass sioc:Community from sioc:Container (or sioc:Space?) or
> make it use the same has_container / container_of properties as
> Container does (or "bump" its has_part and part_of properties one
> level up to sioc:Container).
> the idea of sioc:Community was to act as a container for any kind of resources which are parts of a community.
Now there is a nice hierarchy of things in SIOC:
I've moved the wiki pages to
I suspect that some of them will need to be tidied due to differences in
MoinMoin and MediaWiki syntax.
I'd also like to look into Semantic MediaWiki for this installation.
Dr. John Breslin
DERI, NUI Galway
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Hi all -
I'm just kicking off a discussion to try and finalise some additions we
are trying to make to SIOC to allow it to cover many other "Web 2.0"
community sites where content is posted in a forum or container area of
a site and then may also be commented on (like in a discussion thread).
Some examples are Flickr,, YouTube, SlideShare, etc.
For a picture of what we have in mind, see:
The inner layer is a person (in FOAF), the next layer is their user
accounts (FOAF, SIOC) and the outer stuff is the posted content (text,
Hi all,
As John Breslin just described [1] on his blog, we have developed a simple
online SIOC explorer, allowing you to read SIOC content like in a blog
The UI is still quite unfinished and importing new blogs/forums is a bit
broken right now, but I announce it anyway in the spirit of "release early
and often", these small glitches will be fixed in the next days. Reading
and browsing current content works fine already and all the code is
off-course open-source [3]. If you have any feedback (including: dude,
this and this doesn't work) please reply or file a bug [4].
User is close to abuser. It's a nasty term.
Much better would be to speak of Persona, which is related to the
latin for Mask.
see the section on Persona in
This would then make for a much nicer relation to foaf:Person.
Home page:
Sun Blog:
Foaf name:
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Call for Contributions:
Journal of Web Semantics
Submission Deadline: 1 June 2007
Guest Editors:
Mark Greaves, Vulcan Inc.
Peter Mika, Yahoo! Research Barcelona
The cluster of technologies and design patterns known as Web 2.0 has now
emerged as the leading contender for the next evolution of the Web.
Researchers, developers, and venture capitalists are all flocking toward
the banner of Web 2.0, based on its promise of massively increased
sharing and participation among web users. At the same time, the
technologies of the Semantic Web have been quietly maturing and
Working on a few ontologies in Sun we found that the awol:Entry class
may come in very useful, especially as we wish to use the Atom
Protocol a lot. As we are also interested in using SIOC, we thought
we found the need to look at how they mesh. This is also useful for
my work on Baetle, so it is time to have a closer look. Here are some
initial thoughts. (refs to these ontologies are available in the
footnotes [0])
From looking at these three ontologies, I think we find we clearly
need the notion of a :Version class. A sioc:Post should inherit the
following relations from such a xxx:Version class:
Hi all,
browsing the archives of SWD WG public mailing list, I found great news
about plans to support SIOC in Opera:
__ ___ _ _
\ \ / (_) |_(_)___ _ _ Sergio Fdez
\ \/\/ /| | / / / -_) '_| GNU/LiNUX User: #298803
\_/\_/ |_|_\_\_\___|_| Web:
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I must face the following problem: how to provide mapping for
information that can be harvested in SSIS (blogs, wikis, social
semantic digital libraries, semantic chats, videos available at
youtube, google video etc).
There's no doubt SIOC suits perfectly for blogs and forums ;) I know
that there are some ideas to apply it to the other, abovementioned,
SSIS. Then it would be perfect for my project.
Recently, I had a talk to Uldis, the SIOC developer on how to apply it
for communicators like Skype. We had some ideas which I want to
Yet, I can use sioc:Post for each message sent during a conversetion
** apologies if you get multiple copies of this message **
The deadline for full paper, short paper, and Scripting Challenge
submissions to the 3rd Workshop on Scripting for the Semantic Web is
approaching (30th March). Submissions can be made via the conference
submission system linked from
Update: Danny Ayers will give an invited talk at SFSW07 about "Two Webs!"
3rd Workshop on Scripting for the Semantic Web