Hi All,
Here are some changes to SIOC proposed by John and me:
New properties:
- sioc:num_replies - indicates a number of replies
- sioc:moderator_of / sioc:has_moderator - to indicate who is the
moderator of a forum
Change properties:
- sioc:views -> sioc:num_views - change to a common naming scheme for
"number of" properties.
We probably can just rename sioc:views property because we have not
used it much so far. Please let me know if you are using it (though
Swoogle shows no usage for it).
Motivation for num_replies - sometimes (e.g., if converting Atom to
SIOC via XSLT) we may know a number of replies but not know what the
Sounds like a good idea.
awol:email should probably have a domain of awol:Person.
Should awol:Content have a domain of the awol:Entry?
Home page: http://bblfish.net/
Sun Blog: http://blogs.sun.com/bblfish/
Foaf name: http://bblfish.net/people/henry/card#me
On 21 Feb 2007, at 00:54, James Leigh wrote:
> Henry,
> I noticed that in the atomowl ontology there are two properties
> that don't have a domain: #content and #email. This causes the
> generated java classes to add these properties to rdfs.Resource.
> Could they be move to have a more explicate domain?
For the music ontology project
(http://pingthesemanticweb.com/ontology/mo/), I just finished a
(really) small program (attached) allowing to generate specifications
from a RDF knowledge base. It outputs the "inner" part of the
specification (glance, classes (domain-of/range-of/subclass-of) and
properties (domain/range)), in a FOAF/SIOC specification style.
I "freely" (as python and prolog are, well, quite different:-) )
adapted the specgen script that Uldis Bojar sent me, and so far, it
seems to output quite the same things. But I think it is a bit more
flexible, through the use of "shortcut predicates", a sort of
I want to demonstrate the use of SIOC in Wordpress and/or Drupal for
biomedical research purposes, so I tried out the respective SIOC
plugins. My experience so far was quite negative -- both plugins did
not work for me.
I tried the newest Wordpress plugin with Wordpress 2.1, 2.0 and 1.6.
It was the same with each version: The plugin did not show up in the
plugin list of Wordpress. I had to add a header-section to the plugin
files so they would appear in the plugin list. However, after
activating the plugin, nothing changed. No additional SIOC statements;
Semantic radar did not indicate SIOC results.
on unstable version of Debian GNU/Linux you already can make the
following search:
wikier@lisa:~$ apt-cache search sioc
buxon - SIOC forums browser
swaml - Semantic Web Archive of Mailing Lists
__ ___ _ _
\ \ / (_) |_(_)___ _ _ Sergio Fdez
\ \/\/ /| | / / / -_) '_| GNU/LiNUX User: #298803
\_/\_/ |_|_\_\_\___|_| Web: http://www.wikier.org/
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "SIOC-Dev" group.
To post to this group, send email to sioc-dev@googlegroups.com
Here is a revision of my initial post re. the above:
1. foaf:Person subclass of sioc:Post dropped. Social Networks can be
modeled in SIOC without this via sioct:SocialNetwork as a subclass of
2. I have changed sioct:Photos to sioct:ImageGallery which is much
#Processed by Id: cwm.py,v 1.144 2003/09/14 20:20:20 timbl Exp
# using base file:/tmp/tmpDd9v6I-rdfconverter
# Notation3 generation by
# notation3.py,v 1.148 2003/12/04 21:20:17 timbl Exp
# Base was: file:/tmp/tmpDd9v6I-rdfconverter
@prefix :
On Thursday 01 February 2007 10:53, Axel Polleres wrote:
> Interesting! May I ask whethr also overlaps between vCard and Foaf
> were discussed?
Yup! Harry has a document somewhere. Basically, we're thinking of vCard
has a standard that we can't do much on, so we're taking the view that
we pretty much just formulate it in RDF.
The meeting was mostly minuted in #swig, it starts about here:
Kjetil Kjernsmo
Semantic Web Specialist
Opera Software ASA
I am adding Calendars, Reviews, Resumes, Contact/Social Networks, to
the mix re. SIOC. At first glance you might find this a little
confusing, but it isn't when you factor in the following:
1. Online Communities are a Distributed Collaborative Application
Profile in Internet and Web Space
2. Microformats are going to generate a lot of Calendar, Review,
Resume, and Contact data on the Web in traditional Microformat and RDF
based Microformat forms (e.g RDF/A)
3. We need to make it nice and easy for SPARQL Query Processors (for
instance) to perform "on the fly" transformation (via GRDDL/XSLT) of
Here is a dump of SIOC subclasses that provide integration hooks for a
range of Data Spaces that include:
Shared Bookmarks (a 'la del.icio.us), Shared Photo Galleries (Flickr),
Weblogs, Wikis, Shared Feed Subscriptions (e.g. Bloglines, TechMeme
etc..), Discussion Forums (Usenet, phpBB etc..), Mailing Lists, Web
File Servers (WebDAV), Polls & Surveys etc..
Hopefully, we can use SIOC to effectively demonstrate Ontology resuse
as part of the Semantic Web Data Generation effort (which is basically
a global Data Integration and Generation effort [1]).
BTW - I was going to dump this in the SIOC Wiki, but it appears to have
hi all,
via Ivan Herman's del.icio.us, I has found an interesting article titled
"2007 Real Estate Technology Predictions", a nicely written text for the
uninitiated about usage of SIOC, FOAF, and Atom.
Best regards,
__ ___ _ _
\ \ / (_) |_(_)___ _ _ Sergio Fdez
\ \/\/ /| | / / / -_) '_| GNU/LiNUX User: #298803
\_/\_/ |_|_\_\_\___|_| Web: http://www.wikier.org/
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "SIOC-Dev" group.
To post to this group, send email to sioc-dev@googlegroups.com