J.G. Breslin, "The Social Semantic Web", IET Ireland Network and NUI Galway CompSoc Talk, DERI, NUI Galway, 27th November 2008. [Slides]
J.G. Breslin, S. Decker, U. Bojars, "The Future of Social Networks: The Need for Semantics", Tutorial at the Semantic Technologies Conference, San Jose, USA, 19th May 2008. [Slides]
U. Bojars, J.G. Breslin, A. Passant, "Interlinking Online Communities and Enriching Social Software with the Semantic Web", Tutorial at the 17th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2008), Beijing, China, 21st April 2008. [Slides]
J.G. Breslin, "DataPortability and Me Introducing SIOC, FOAF and the Semantic Web", DataPortability London Meetup, London, 6th April 2008. [Slides]
J.G. Breslin, "DataPortability.org, web standards, SIOC and FOAF", WebCamp Workshop on Social Network Portability, 2nd March 2008. [Slides][Video]
J.G. Breslin, "The Future of Social Networks on the Internet: The Need for Semantics", BarCamp Galway Workshop, DERI, NUI Galway, 22nd September 2007. [Slides]
J.G. Breslin, "Finding Experts Using Internet-Based Discussions in Online Communities and Associated Social Networks", Invited Talk to the ExpertFinder Workshop, Knowledge Web Assembly, Berlin, Germany, 16th January 2007. [Slides]
J.G. Breslin, "Drupal SIOC Module", Drupal Ireland Meetup and Workshop, DERI, NUI Galway, 13th January 2007. [Slides]
J.G. Breslin, "Semantic Web 2.0: Creating Social Semantic Information Spaces", Invited Talk for TTI and ITAG, DERI, NUI Galway, 30th November 2006. [Slides]
J.G. Breslin, "Information Centric Access: The Case of SIOC", Research Day, DERI, NUI Galway, 23rd November 2006. [Slides] [Video 1, 2, 3]
U. Bojars, "SIOC Browser: Towards a Richer Blog Browsing Experience", BlogTalk Reloaded, 3rd October 2006. [Slides][Video]
J.G. Breslin, S. Decker, "Semantic Web 2.0: Creating Social Semantic Information Spaces", Tutorial at the 15th International World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2006), Edinburgh, Scotland, 26th May 2006. [Slides]
A. Harth, "Semantically Interlinking Online Community Sites", Semantic Web Interest Group Face to Face Meeting, 2005. [Slides]