I must face the following problem: how to provide mapping for
information that can be harvested in SSIS (blogs, wikis, social
semantic digital libraries, semantic chats, videos available at
youtube, google video etc).
There's no doubt SIOC suits perfectly for blogs and forums ;) I know
that there are some ideas to apply it to the other, abovementioned,
SSIS. Then it would be perfect for my project.
Recently, I had a talk to Uldis, the SIOC developer on how to apply it
for communicators like Skype. We had some ideas which I want to
Yet, I can use sioc:Post for each message sent during a conversetion
and use some properties to dinstinguish them from post or forum
entries. However, to clarify, some class like sioc:InstatntMessage
could be also intruduced. What do you think about that? Is that needed/
Then, regarding real conversatinon: it might be quite long and chaotic
- there is a lot of messages which don't carry important information.
I reckon I should filter that. How?! Keywords? Any ideas?
Finally problem of connecting messages and navigating through them. Do
it forwards (ahs reply) or backwords (is reply to)? I can group more
messages of a user if they weren't interrupted by the other person.
Then, maybe treat a conversatin like o single forum?
Looking forwards for comments and ideas
best wishes
Jaroslaw Dobrzanski
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Applying SIOC ontology for Social Semantic Information Spaces (S
just a couple of ideas - the way you could deliver chat with SSIS capabilities
would be to allow users to tag their posts the same way they would do with
(semantic) wiki. You could introduce format like ((tag)) for marking words in
the conversation as keywords.
It would be interesting to annotate the whole conversation as well.
But what I think is really missing in skype (and similar chat services, I
think it also applies to IRC) is the notion of threads. Imagine someone asks
one question and you start replying, but in the meantime the conversation
goes on, and there is another question posted. How do you make sure that your
answer is related to first question? Two options:
1) you have unique IDs for each post and allow users to somehow visually state
that they reply to certain question
2) you allow users to tag their posts and you try to match questions and
answers based on the tags and short time context.
I would suggest to set up a mindmap within your researchideas space in corrib
to discuss your work on SSIS. We could show them on our wiki so that other
people from both communities (Corrib and SIOC) would set where we are
going :)
On Monday, 12 of March 2007, jaroslaw.dobrzanski@deri.org wrote:
> I must face the following problem: how to provide mapping for
> information that can be harvested in SSIS (blogs, wikis, social
> semantic digital libraries, semantic chats, videos available at
> youtube, google video etc).
> There's no doubt SIOC suits perfectly for blogs and forums ;) I know
> that there are some ideas to apply it to the other, abovementioned,
> SSIS. Then it would be perfect for my project.
> Recently, I had a talk to Uldis, the SIOC developer on how to apply it
> for communicators like Skype. We had some ideas which I want to
> share..
> Yet, I can use sioc:Post for each message sent during a conversetion
> and use some properties to dinstinguish them from post or forum
> entries. However, to clarify, some class like sioc:InstatntMessage
> could be also intruduced. What do you think about that? Is that needed/
> necessary?
> Then, regarding real conversatinon: it might be quite long and chaotic
> - there is a lot of messages which don't carry important information.
> I reckon I should filter that. How?! Keywords? Any ideas?
> Finally problem of connecting messages and navigating through them. Do
> it forwards (ahs reply) or backwords (is reply to)? I can group more
> messages of a user if they weren't interrupted by the other person.
> Then, maybe treat a conversatin like o single forum?
> Looking forwards for comments and ideas
> --
> best wishes
> Jaroslaw Dobrzanski
> --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups
> "SIOC-Dev" group. To post to this group, send email to
> sioc-dev@googlegroups.com
> To unsubscribe from this group, send email to
> sioc-dev-unsubscribe@googlegroups.com For more options, visit this group at
> http://groups.google.com/group/sioc-dev?hl=en
> -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~---
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-- Sebastian Ryszard Kruk
-- Lead Researcher, Project Manager
-- Digital Enterprise Research Institute
-- National University of Ireland, Galway
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