I've moved the wiki pages to wiki.sioc-project.org
I suspect that some of them will need to be tidied due to differences in
MoinMoin and MediaWiki syntax.
I'd also like to look into Semantic MediaWiki for this installation.
Dr. John Breslin
DERI, NUI Galway
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Wiki moved
John Breslin wrote:
> I've moved the wiki pages to wiki.sioc-project.org
> I suspect that some of them will need to be tidied due to differences in
> MoinMoin and MediaWiki syntax.
> I'd also like to look into Semantic MediaWiki for this installation.
> Thanks,
> John.
just realized that e.g. tables weren't preserved during the move...
see e.g.
where we had some comparison table for related vocabs with sioc
any chance to recover these?
Dr. Axel Polleres
email: axel@polleres.net url: http://www.polleres.net/
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Wiki moved
> any chance to recover these?
There are two scripts, one in Python [1] and other in Perl [2], that
translate the syntax from MoinMoin to MediaWiki. But I don't know if it
works fine...
[1] http://www.linux-foundation.org/~licquia/moin2media
[2] http://www.littlejohnconsulting.com/node/18
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\ \ / (_) |_(_)___ _ _ Sergio Fdez
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