online SIOC explorer

Hi all,

As John Breslin just described [1] on his blog, we have developed a simple
online SIOC explorer, allowing you to read SIOC content like in a blog

The UI is still quite unfinished and importing new blogs/forums is a bit
broken right now, but I announce it anyway in the spirit of "release early
and often", these small glitches will be fixed in the next days. Reading
and browsing current content works fine already and all the code is
off-course open-source [3]. If you have any feedback (including: dude,
this and this doesn't work) please reply or file a bug [4].

Developing this application lead to several SIOC-related questions and
ideas on our side, I'll elaborate on that in another email tomorrow.

(I'm by the way a PhD researcher in DERI. I have also developed ActiveRDF
[2] which connects RDF data to Ruby-on-Rails. The SIOC explorer is a
showcase of data integration and semantic web application development using
RDF, ActiveRDF, and Rails. And hopefully it will help in making SIOC data
visible and usable to end-users.)



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