maybe the mail below from ExpertFinder is also interesting for
SIOC-dev... or let me formulate it hte other way around: Are there
people in SIOC willing to contribute to more formal inter-vocabulary
mapping definitions? The below-mentioned is only a starting point. Would
be good to get more people involved, also in order to completely and
formally describe the opverlaps mentioned at
cheers and merry christmas,
-------- Original Message --------
Date: Fri, 22 Dec 2006 18:02:37 +0100
From: Axel Polleres
Hi,I've just read the post of the boy that ask for a "tool for semantic
annotation of audio"....but i have not found anything for my problem in
this post!!!
I need a tool for semantic annotation of audio that uses MPEG-7 format
but above all the Ontologies...but I don't find anything!!!!
Someone knows a tool like this? Please,it serve me to study....but I
don't find anything!!!!
Thank you so much,bye.
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As I am sure you know, I believe SIOC is a great mechanism for bridging
the Web 2.0 and more traditional Semantic Web communities. Thus, we
need to be able to use SIOC and existing shared Ontologies to
unobtrusively model distributed collaborative application profiles such
as Blogs, Wikis, Discussion Forums, Aggregated Feeds (Bloglines,
TechMeme, Digg, Talk Digger) Platforms, Shared Bookmarks (
etc.), and other popular Web 2.0 solution profiles.
I suggest we use resurrect the deprecated sioc:type property and then
use this to link a sioc:Forum to a skos:Concept.
Hi,I'm new of this NG and I hope tha someone can help me! Sorry for my
english but I don't speak it very well!
Someone know a system (software or tool) that allow to do a semantic
annotation (and possibly retrieving) of audio? I need it for a
description in my university thesis ...but I don't find
anything....PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!
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Hello everyone,
My name is Matthias Samwald and I am new to this Group. I am the main
developer of an ontology framework called 'bio-zen', which uses
established foundational ontologies and metadata standards for
information representation in the domain of life science and health
care. bio-zen uses SIOC for the representation of scientific discourse.
You can get an overview of the recent status of the project here:
These developments will soon be part of the W3C Semantic Web in Health
Final Call for Position Papers (deadline 15 December):
1st ExpertFinder Workshop
Berlin, January 16, 2007
co-located with the KnowledgeWeb General Assembly
The ExpertFinder initiative is pleased to announce its first workshop focusing
on research issues and application in the area of devising
vocabulary extensions
and best practices to annotate personal home pages, pages of institutions,
Hi Uldis,
thanks a lot for making the feed to SIOC XSLT available! I've checked
in a version of the feed-sioc.xsl script [1] that generates valid RDF/XML.
One thing: currently, the URL to the feed has to be passed as a parameter
to the XSLT. Is it possible to get that information out of the feed
itself? I don't have the feed/Forum URL at hand when invoking the script.
Many thanks!
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "SIOC-Dev" group.
Challenge first:
Ben Hammersley had a lovely setup with You write some
idea on your own blog, do a trackback ping to a particular URI, your
idea is collected and republished there. Over here you felt like you
might reach someone that might make your idea a reality, over there
you saw a stream of bright ideas (and a fair number of answers).
It died because of the maintenance problem of trackback spam.
The single point of failure was the URI which got pinged. Get rid of
that, maybe it might work again. SIOC can capture all the relevant
bits of information - the challenge is to deploy it in way that's
*apologies if you get multiple copies*
Call for Position Papers:
1st ExpertFinder Workshop
Berlin, January 16, 2007
co-located with the KnowledgeWeb General Assembly
The ExpertFinder initiative is pleased to announce its first workshop focusing
on research issues and application in the area of devising
vocabulary extensions
and best practices to annotate personal home pages, pages of institutions,
WordPress has a nice admin menu entry called "Import":
If you have posts or comments in another system WordPress can import
them into your current blog. To get started, choose a system to import
from below:
Dotclear Import posts from a Dotclear Blog
LiveJournal Import posts from LiveJournal
Blogger Import posts and comments from a Blogger account
Movable Type Import posts and comments from your Movable Type
Textpattern Import posts from a Textpattern Blog
RSS Import posts from an RSS feed
It would be nice to have ability to import SIOC into a CMS (and