User is close to abuser. It's a nasty term.
Much better would be to speak of Persona, which is related to the
latin for Mask.
see the section on Persona in
This would then make for a much nicer relation to foaf:Person.
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sioc:User should be sioc:Persona
> Much better would be to speak of Persona, which is related to the
> latin for Mask.
> (...)
> This would then make for a much nicer relation to foaf:Person.
Although I like the term (I'm spanish), I think it would be a bad
decision because foaf:Person and sioc:User has a relationship of
one-to-more (a person could has many accounts [1]).
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\ \ / (_) |_(_)___ _ _ Sergio Fdez
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sioc:User should be sioc:Persona
I'm not too sure. FOAF Person is in someways deployed as personas, ... in that I may well have several foaf-based profiles around, which use foaf:Person to describe aspects of me, ... but with sufficient vagueness that the identities can't be inferred to be the same.
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sioc:User should be sioc:Persona
I had not thought of foaf:Person that way. It makes sense. I was
thinking of it as pointing more to a real physical human person. So
that whenever one was justified in merging 2 foaf:Persons one could...
If so then sioc:Persona would still be open.
Now I know better...
On 21 Mar 2007, at 15:34, Dan Brickley wrote:
> wrote:
> I'm not too sure. FOAF Person is in someways deployed as
> personas, ... in that I may well have several foaf-based profiles
> around, which use foaf:Person to describe aspects of me, ... but
> with sufficient vagueness that the identities can't be inferred to
> be the same.
> Dan
> On 21/03/07, Henry Story
> User is close to abuser. It's a nasty term.
> Much better would be to speak of Persona, which is related to the
> latin for Mask.
> see the section on Persona in
> jung.html
> This would then make for a much nicer relation to foaf:Person.
> Henry
> Home page:
> Sun Blog:
> Foaf name:
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sioc:User should be sioc:Persona
On 3/21/07, Henry Story wrote:
> I had not thought of foaf:Person that way. It makes sense. I was
> thinking of it as pointing more to a real physical human person. So
> that whenever one was justified in merging 2 foaf:Persons one could...
> If so then sioc:Persona would still be open.
We tried to avoid to situations when SIOC classes and properties can
be confused with those from other ontologies.
If there was a sioc:Persona and foaf:Person this can create confusion
to some and make it harder to distinguish which one is meant. But
another reason not to change sioc:User now is that it is already used
quite a lot (we could change sioc:Community because it is not widely
used yet) and to change the class name now we'd need to keep the old
name and do conversion over time.
A simpler way is to change descriptions of SIOC terms. Most of the
meaning (e.g., if a Post must have a Forum) and the patterns of term
usage come from humans interpreting [text] descriptions of classes and
properties. Those are also easier to change.
All are welcome to look at the descriptions currently associated with
all the terms and come up with a better way to describe them.
P.S. There was an idea to rename sioc:User to a sioc:UserAccount, but
we decided against it for the same reason described above - that this
class is already in use.
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