Semano, the Semantic Web Annotater, was my final year project this
year in Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.
I have made a website for it at the following link:
What it does is it tries to relate XML files to OWL Ontologies (files
made to allow computer applications process information easier).
If anyone would like to help me out with the project, you can easily
test it by using the Quickstart guide to Semano at the following link:
You could then give some feedback on what you think of it using the
Hi Sergio,
That's interesting. Mind elaborating why you did this? Or do you have
a link to an explanation?
I'm interested because when using SIOC for IRC logs, we had to figure
out how to order IRC events that come in the same second; we hacked it
by using the millisecond part of dcterms:created to contain a counter,
so that you'd have the event at 12:03:01 followed by the event at
"12:03:01.001" followed by the event at "12:03:01.002".
Would you consider changing the definition of swaml:previousByDate and
swaml:nextByDate not to be specific to mailing lists?
I'm wondering how it would work if the same message is in more than
This is a silly problem that is taking up too much of my time. It's
probably got an easy answer, so I might as well ask it. Writing these
things out often helps.
Both Issuezilla and JIRA allow one to add attachments to a bug.
There's not much space to add information to the attachment as one
posts it, so the attachment seems to be a o
(1) Is the attachment a post,
a baetle:Issue, sioc:Container;
[ is
a sioc:Post;
dc:title "testRep.xml attachment";
Should baelte:reporter relate baetle:Issue(s) to foaf:Person or to
sioc:User ? It's not so obvious in some ways, since a sioc:User is a
subclass of a foaf:OnlineAccount, and it seems a bit weird to make an
online account responsible for fixing bugs.
This makes me wonder if perhaps the EvoOnt [1] way of doing things is
perhaps not in fact the right way of doing it. Create a baetle:Person
that is the range of relations such as baetle:creator,
baetle:reporter, etc... This removes the problems without closing
down options, so people can decide whether they then want to reporter
this afternoon Uldis has commented on #sioc the idea to start writing on
this list about publications that were accepted or presented related
with SIOC ontology. Obviously the next step will be to join all on the
Web page [1].
Ok, I will be first: a few days ago we receive the notification [2]
telling us that a paper about SWAML [3], titled "Mailing lists meet the
Semantic Web", has been accepted for workshop on Social Aspects of the
Web (SAW 2007 [4]) that will celebrate on April in Poznan (Poland). SAW
2007 is organised in conjunction with 10th International Conference on
Call for Papers: SABRE Conference on
September 2628th, Leipzig, Germany
The concept of Social Software was coined to characterize a variety of
software and services on the Web, which enable new ways of communication
and exploit social interactions for creating large content bases from a
multitude of user contributions. The Semantic Web is a extension of the
Hi all -
I've made a start on a phpBB exporter but haven't had a chance to finish
it off :(
So far, the stuff is at:
and you can see an output at:
The site, forums and part of the post export is done, which means that
the post part has to be finished and also the user export has to be added.
If anyone has any phpBB know-how and time to finish the exporter, do let
me know (else I will have to wait until free time presents itself).
Dr. John Breslin
DERI, NUI Galway
Hi all -
I was awake at 3 AM a few days ago thinking of SIOC properties, and they
were keeping me awake so I had to come up with an acronym of ones to
remember (P-U-L-S) that I thought had some issues so that I could e-mail
you all for comments!
We disconnected this from Community so it could be used with Posts, but
I think having properties with neither domain or range may be a bit
weird. If we come up with a replacement way of saying what containers
or user(groups) are in a community, I think this could be attached to post.
At the moment, this points to a Site but I think should be changed to Space.
Hi All,
> The list of SIOC types at [1] looks good. There may be some
> fine-tuning of SIOC types as we implement them, some properties may be
> moved up from Post to Item, but all in all it is a good start and lets
> us move forward.
In order to finish SIOC ontology revisions that John posted about
recently, please have a look at the changes in the SIOC ontology [1]
and SIOC types module [2] in SVN. This is the first part of revision,
with the second part being new properties still in discussion on a
separate thread [3].
[1] http://sw.deri.org/svn/sw/2005/08/sioc/ontology/ns.rdf
Hi all,
Just saw IRC logs using SIOC provided by Tuukka [1], that's great !
So ... Many messages on IRC are addressed to one particular people.
They are not necessary replies (and moreover, it would be difficult to
see the message they reply to), but we should find a way to say a
message is addressed to someone in particular.
What about a property addressed_to with domain = sioc:Post and range =
sioc:User ?
It could also be used in private messages and all instant messaging logs.
I remember NABU [1] from ISWC05, they defined a protocol for instant messaging.
Don't know if the project is still in use, but if so, we should take