Bumping up a post Danny wrote, with a challenge - to make Lazyweb
ecosystem that works. "SIOC can capture all the relevant bits of
information - the challenge is to deploy it in way that's
maintainable." - Anyone up for the task?
On 11/24/06, Danny Ayers
> Challenge first:
> Ben Hammersley had a lovely setup with Lazyweb.org. You write some
> idea on your own blog, do a trackback ping to a particular URI, your
> idea is collected and republished there. Over here you felt like you
> might reach someone that might make your idea a reality, over there
There are [many] tasks that need to be done in SIOC and would move
applications of SIOC forward, but which nobody is currently working
It would be great if we list them and look at this list - maybe there
is something that you would enjoy doing or can do very easily. This is
in line with the previous email on LazyWeb in SIOC - call it "LazyWeb"
or "Code Needed".
Here are some of coding tasks that would bring immediage benefit:
(1) SIOC plugin for MovableType
Most of the blogs on PlanetRDF use either WordPress or MovableType.
WordPress users can use the SIOC plugin which we already have (and
uFormat's parser for Ruby.
Its page has simple code examples on how to extract microformats.
Something similar should be possible for SIOC too, possibly using
ActiveRDF. But it needs to be written up - telling how to find
information in an easy way.
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Hi All,
We have had a goal to submit SIOC as a W3C member submission for some
time now (and some of you probably joined the list because of this
effort). This will put a milestone in SIOC development which we can
build upon.
Currently we (developers of SIOC Ontology) are looking forward to
stabilise SIOC and prepare SIOC Ontology Specification for the
submission, with the help of all SIOC-Dev community. Ontology core has
been pretty stable lately. We need to see what are the new things that
absolutely must be put in there (and keep further enhancements in mind
for future versions).
FYI - post from Jaroslaw about the use of SIOC in the Didaskon
IKHarvester project.
(Thanks Jaroslaw... Looks like a good matchup of terms.)
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: How I use SIOC in IKHarvester, a component for Didaskon
Date: Fri, 13 Apr 2007 22:36:33 +0100
From: Jarosław Dobrzański
To: uldis.bojars@deri.org, john.breslin@deri.org
Look for more details in my blog:
Jaroslaw Dobrzanski
Dr. John Breslin
DERI, NUI Galway
As mentioned on #joiito:
This site has quite a number of syndication formats.
See the list of formats on the left-hand-side sidebar.
It has all flavours of RSS, Atom, and even a Unix MBOX (!!!).
That's the longest list of "syndication formats" I've seen at any
single site.
Probably the only thing missing is SIOC.
Which may be used for syndication but is useful for more than just
getting the last 10-15 posts.
[ http://captsolo.net/info/ ]
You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "SIOC-Dev" group.
Someone on Twitter asked for a way to get a total wordcount of all
posts on a blog. Sound like word-count of a post is a type of metadata
people may want to know (there can be other metadata that's not
exported yet and may be cool to export).
Posting the idea here so we can find (and do) it later. Note that SIOC
already exports text of a post so this information can be retrieved by
a filters further in the food-chain - no need to do specific count for
each exporter, just take a "sioc:content" or "content:encoded" and
count words for any SIOC data.
Still, if the wordcount was exported we would need to count the total
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on Semantic Web
The SWEO Interest Group is pleased to announce the first release of a
frequently asked questions (FAQ) document about the Semantic Web. It
provides comprehensive answers to questions covering Semantic Web
standards and their usage. This is an evolving document that will
continue to be updated over time. There is also a Wiki site where the
community can contribute to the further evolution of this document, as
well as an RSS1.0 feed to help tracking changes on the FAQ.
( via W3C Semantic Web News )
kwijibo is looking for feedback on an eRDF article he's creating -
http://keithalexander.co.uk/erdf-article/ - and while looking at this I
saw that he used Forum to describe a collection of threaded posts. This
is something that is missing in SIOC, and for now I've added in a Thread
"Container" to the Types module, but if people think this should be
"upgraded" to the core SIOC terms, please post arguments here.
Here's one picture -
http://wiki.sioc-project.org/index.php/Image:Sioc_threads.png - of how
Thread could be related to Posts and Forums.
Dr. John Breslin
Hi all,
(crossposting this to SIOC-dev)
On 4/11/07, Diego Berrueta
> El mar, 10-04-2007 a las 22:42 +0200, Sergio Fdez escribió:
> > Benja Fallenstein has commented [1] on SIOC-Dev mailing list if we
> > consider changing the definition [2] of swaml:previousByDate and
> > swaml:nextByDate not to be specific to mailing lists?
> >
> > I think that it's already enough generic (both properties have
> > sioc:Post as rdfs:domain and rdfs:range) if we ignore the comment.
> > Perhaps we could make more generic those descriptions.
> >
> > What do you think...?