Hi all -
Thanks for all your recent comments both on and offlist.
A few more ontology suggestions we need your help with.
We have sioc:topic which can link Sites, Forums, Posts etc. to resources
that are topics of those documents or containers... (Also,
unfortunately we did not use foaf:topic as the domain is a Document,
which some of the SIOC classes are not). We can also use dc:subject for
free text. But what if we want to say that a particular Post describes
a book or is about two books, perhaps something like sioc:about or
sioc:describes is needed.
Hi Kingsley -
Thanks for the responses, CCing to list...
Talk soon,
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Ontology suggestions needed
Date: Mon, 28 May 2007 11:48:28 -0700
From: kidehen
To: John Breslin
References: <465B09F4.7070400@deri.org>
On May 28, 12:57 pm, John Breslin
> Hi all -
> Thanks for all your recent comments both on and offlist.
> A few more ontology suggestions we need your help with.
> (1)
> We have sioc:topic which can link Sites, Forums, Posts etc. to resources
Just wanted to say this sounds super cool. One for Twitter would also
rock but do not know how feasible that would be.
On Jun 5, 1:07 pm, aidanf
> Hi all,
> I put up a service for getting translating Jaiku feeds to RDF (SIOC
> and FOAF). You can access the service athttp://sioku.sioc-project.org.
> Jaiku (http://www.jaiku.com) is a micro-blogging site similar to
> twitter. The Jaiku API exports some it's data in json. Sioku
> translates the exported data to RDF using SIOC for posts and FOAF for
> friends. So for a specified jaiku user you can get a SIOC export of
1. http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/wiki/main/Main/ODSSIOCRef (The Main
Reference showing usage in OpenLink Data Spaces (ODS)
2. http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/wiki/main/Main/WordPressSIOCRef
(Wordpress Hosting in ODS)
3. http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/wiki/main/Main/MediaWikiSIOCRef
(MediaWiki Hosting in ODS)
4. http://virtuoso.openlinksw.com/wiki/main/Main/PHPBBSIOCRef
Note: Drupal and Bugzilla will follow shortly.
Also track the evolution of SIOC-Type Modules examples and suggestions
at: http://wiki.sioc-project.org/w/TypesModule
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There is a section below with the title "Atheism and Evolutionism are
All those who have sinned deserve to suffer in Hell forever. "Pride"
is an example of a sin.
1. Repent (be truly sorry for your sins; beg for God's forgiveness;
abandon sin; ask Him to help you stop sinning; and repent for His
2. Completely trust in God only; do not trust in yourself.
3. Love the Lord with all of your heart.
The Son of God (the Lord Jesus Christ) suffered and died on the cross
to pay for the sins of those who trust in Him. His blood can clean
away our sins. He was buried for three days, then lived again. There
Hi everybody,
At the moment SIOC is maturing very fast, which is good.
SIOC uses FOAF (friend of a friend) to describe persons on the
internet. Unfortunately the FOAF-specification seems to have been
stuck in version 0.1 http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/ with many terms
categorized as 'unstable'. The mailinglist has no activity, about a
month ago I sent some suggestions for FOAF, but received no reply.
At this moment I am unable to tell if there is anybody working on
FOAF, but looking at the state of the website http://www.foaf-project.org/
it seems that FOAF is dead.
With more and more implementations of SIOC currently being developed
This might be interesting.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Andreas Harth
Date: May 11, 2007 4:36 PM
Subject: CfP: Web Scale Infrastructures for Semantic Mashup, Search
and Retrieval
To: semantic-web@w3.org
First Workshop on Web Scale Infrastructures for
Semantic Mashup, Search and Retrieval
Co-located with the First IEEE International Conference on
Semantic Computing
September 17-19, 2007
Hyatt Regency Irvine
Irvine, California
Aims and Topic of Interest
The amount of semantically structured data available on the Web has
Hi All,
When talking about different kinds of social spaces (e.g., email,
skype [1], twitter [2], ...) there is a need to define recipient(s) of
messages / items. SIOC currently can define creator (sender) of a
post, but not recipients.
We need to find / define a property in SIOC for defining them. Most
straighforward approach would be to define a property has_recipient
(inverse: recipient_of) with domain sioc:Post or sioc:Item and range
of sioc:User.
1) is sioc:User appropriate? is the recipient an online account (thus
a sioc:User) or a person / agent (thus foaf:Person / foaf:Agent)?
See more ideas about Twitter in RDF below:
> 4) Replies
> If a post (A) has "@reply" to another user/post (B) (twitter homepage
> already includes a hyperlink to a post it thinks this is in reply to)
> that can be described as:
Keith has a point (re. IRC discussion) that the meaning of "@nick" on
twitter may not necessarily mean that one message is in response to
That is how twitter home page interprets it when saying "in response