Working on a few ontologies in Sun we found that the awol:Entry class
may come in very useful, especially as we wish to use the Atom
Protocol a lot. As we are also interested in using SIOC, we thought
we found the need to look at how they mesh. This is also useful for
my work on Baetle, so it is time to have a closer look. Here are some
initial thoughts. (refs to these ontologies are available in the
footnotes [0])
From looking at these three ontologies, I think we find we clearly
need the notion of a :Version class. A sioc:Post should inherit the
following relations from such a xxx:Version class:
+ xxx:next_version
+ xxx:previous_version
It should also have the following which we find in Atom Owl:
+ awol:id
+ awol:updated
Ie. The id of a thing is like the social security number of a
person in a way. Every time slice of the 4 dimensional person [3] has
the same functional relation to that id. Every java class version has
the same class name, for example. Every java entry that has the same
id, can be considered to be different versions of the same entry.
Atom does the right thing. It uses a IRI to identify the thing.
In doap [1] there is also a Version class, which is very close to
what I would like to use for Baetle [2]. IE. Baetle needs to be able
to refer to Versions of documents, usually program files of some sort
or another. It helps to know the previous and next version of a
So here is an initial view of the relationships.
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