
Linked to the sioc-dev mailing list on Google Groups.

OntoSelect - a multilingual ontology library and ontology selection service

On 11/17/06, Paul Buitelaar <> wrote:

Dear colleague, this is to inform you about the availability of
OntoSelect, a multilingual ontology library and ontology selection
service that has been under development at DFKI since 2004:

RDFa + GRDDL + Drupal

There was a discussion on Public-RDF-in-XHTML-TF list that might be of relevance to SIOC-Dev:

Relevant first because we have a SIOC exporter for Drupal and secondly because it mentions SIOC.


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Web-spotting: SWAML

Hi All,

John Breslin and SWAML getting mobile. :)



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Hi all,

I have installed the Wordpress SIOC Plugin.
I am wondering if it is possible to reuse an existing FOAF description
for sioc:User instead of generating this data from scratch? I would
like to reuse my existing FOAF profile.

Cheers, Peter

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Semantic Radar for Opera & Internet Explorer users !!!

Semantic Radar [1] has been available as a Firefox browser extension
for sime time now.


That brings questions from users of other browsers (Opera, IE, Safari,
...) - can we get it for our browser. Until now the answers was no.
Plus I decided against writing a BHO specifically for IE - that would
not be a rational use of resources.

Semantic Radar / JS [2] is an answer to the question. It's a JavaScipt
user script that shall work with Opera and GreaseMonkey in Firefox.


I will appreciate if someone could suggest how to adapt it with

WordPress SIOC plugin v1.21 + Tags

> Announcement

See [
] for the announcement of WordPress SIOC plugin v1.21 with RDF content

The change is not complex, but it opens up some interesting
possibilities and makes it easier to browse SIOC data in Tabulator.

> Tags in SIOC

So far SIOC plugin only exported WordPress categories, but not tags. A
reason is simple: categories are built-in into WordPress while tag
support is added via various external plugins.

You can take a test run of a development version v1.22 beta of a SIOC

SIOC packaged in Turbocharged

Noticed this announcement:

"Turbocharged 2.1.0 is out"

As part of the latest 3rd party plugin update (1.1.1):
* Added the SIOC plugin 1.17

It is good news that SIOC plugin is interesting to many.

Licensing of Turbocharged is somewhat puzzling to me - it says that
the whole package is GPL / MIT / BSD licensed. Yet it is commercial
and does not offer a free download of the source code. I guess this is
not prohibited by GPL as such - the main thing that the author has to
do is to distribute the source code to those who buy (who in turn are

[Fwd: SAWSDL and SIOC]

FYI, about synergies between SAWSDL and SIOC - we will keep you updated
about developments.

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: SAWSDL and SIOC
Date: Thu, 02 Nov 2006 14:00:50 +0000
From: Tomas Vitvar

Hi all,
I had a discussion with people here in DERI Galway (Uldis Bojars, John
Breslin - cc'd) about SAWSDL and SIOC [1] synergies. Please find below some

- In general, SIOC aims to build the domain ontology along with tools, etc.
for online communities where each community site which will adopt SIOC and

sioc:Forum examples?

Hi all,

in the last SWAML release [1] it was published a sioc:Forum visor called
buxon [2]. I already added it on wiki of SIOC implementations [3].

So far it's been only tested with sioc:Forum's exported by SWAML [4].
Then we need more examples to test the tool.

I'm trying to make it works with the data [5] generated by another tool
[6], but it uses incompatible SIOC properties, as sioc:modified_at.

Then I would thank for any other example that helps me to certify that
Buxon works correctly.



Update: OpenLink Suggestion re. SIOC


This is a second attempt at uploading this post.

Class sioc:Service:

in-range-of : has_service, has_host
in-domain-of : service_of, host_of

Generic Services (Site-wide):
if service is site-wide, then "has_service" and "has_host" may be
with every existing forum or not at all (to be discussed further).

Forum Services (Forum-specific):
When a given service is associated specifically with a given forum then
"has_sevice" and "has_host" predicates will be used to express such a

Literal properties :

dc:title - human readable name of the service

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