Dear all -
As the SIOC "core" ontology becomes bigger, we've had to move the
Services related items to a separate module.
The URI will be (still has to be populated).
Dr. John Breslin
DERI, NUI Galway
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FYI. This will be of interest for anyone working with SIOC and RoR.
Thanks, Cédric! :)
One more thing which would be good to have if you produce embedded
SIOC RDF (in RDFa or eRDF) is to add RDF autodiscovery links (e.g.,
pointing to RDF extracted by a service like triplr) in pages created.
That would aid the users of Semantic Radar and increate the number of
people who see this information.
P.S. Is there something similar to RDFa on Rails in PHP?
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Cédric Mesnage
Date: May 29, 2007 11:48 PM
Subject: [Activerdf] RDFa On Rails
Dear all -
We have a proposal from one of the SIOC submission partners (CTIC) to
"delete rdfs:Class and rdf:Property definitions, and
leaving only owl:Class and owl:[Object|Data]Property".
It'd be good to hear your opinions...
Dr. John Breslin
DERI, NUI Galway
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Hi Jaroslaw,
I stumbled across your message again and there is some more
information about tags to add here.
See "WordPress SIOC plugin v1.21 + Tags" [1] for announcement. This
improvement works with the "Ultimate Tag Warrior 3" plugin, used by
John at his site, and produces tags in SIOC RDF data.
A problem with WordPress and tags is that up until recently you needed
a plugin to add / manage tags. And accounting for all possible tags
plugins in the WP SIOC plugin is almost impossible. Please see - maybe
"UTW3" is a good plugin to try for you.
Recent WP versions possibly have included tagging, but I have not had
On reading some earlier posts, I realised some may not have seen the
latest "State of the SIOC-o-sphere" :-)
Thanks to all developers, bloggers and other SIOC-izens!
Dr. John Breslin
DERI, NUI Galway
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Dear all -
I put my case to you to change the properties group_of to usergroup_of
(and the inverses) which currently links a Usergroup to a Site.
* To be more consistent with SIOC naming.
* To distinguish from foaf:Group.
* As it slightly reduces confusion between it and member_of (I think at
* It makes it clearer in the Site definition what the property will link to.
* (I actually changed this during the discussion on SIOC Types some time
back, but the list of changes was in a screenshot posted to the list
that not all may have seen.)
This will involve updating the WP plugin, deprecating the old property,
> So I'm assuming that my sioc:site is a host of 1 sioc:forum that
> consists of all the stories (sioc:post) at the site. Does anyone see
> any problems with this?
Nope, looks fine...
> This also ignores content created by the page module. This is static
> content such as about page, contact details etc. Where does this kind
> of content fit into SIOC?
If it's commentable content, it could just take the same form as a story...
> What urls to use?
> -----------------------
> Looking at the snippet above the uris aren't unique. So or example the
> sioc:site and the sioc:forum have the same uri which is the root url
phpBB3 Release Candidate 1 (RC1) released
WordPress 2.2 released
It would be good to hear from people using SIOC exporters for these
platforms. If you try the new version [of the blog/forum engine] what
was your overall experience and how did SIOC plugins work?
[ ]
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FYI, sounds like it is related to SIOC+IBIS/RDF.
-----Original Message-----
From: on behalf of Costello, Roger L.
Sent: Sun 20/05/2007 22:37
Subject: [uf-discuss] Proposal: hArgument Microformat
Hi Folks,
Michael Crichton says: "The greatest challenge facing mankind is the
challenge of distinguishing reality from fantasy, truth from
propaganda. Perceiving the truth has always been a challenge to
mankind, but in the information age (or as I think of it, the
disinformation age) it takes on a special urgency and importance."
One of the keys to distinguishing information from disinformation is to
have a clear understanding of the assumptions an author is making.
Typically, it takes a great deal of effort to distill an author's
assumptions. Bring clearly to light the assumptions being made would
go a long way towards facilitating a web of trust.
I propose an hArgument Microformat with two properties:
assumption (repeatable): a statement of what the author assumes to
be true,
and upon which his/her conclusion follows. [If it can be
demonstrated that
the assumption is false, then the conclusion is invalid]
conclusion (repeatable): a statement that derives from the
Example: below is an example of an argument. The argument can be
immediately discredited because the assumptions can be shown to be
Microformats are a disruptive
Microformats are attempting to supplant XML
documents with HTML and XHTML documents
The main benefit of Microformats is that it
allows graceful degradation
Microformats go too far.
It's almost better to use a more suited
format in such cases
On 5/22/07, aidanf wrote:
> There is a new version of the drupal sioc plugin available. The main
> change is added support for using the drupal story module to run a
> single-user blog.
> The project page is
Thanks a lot for fixing & improvements!
You can see a sample of SIOC data exported by Drupal at:
- (Aidan's site, using Drupal's story module)
- (SIOC Project site, using Drupal's blog module)
Here are notes on some future improvements needed:
- to export HTML content in content:encoded