Is there a framework for Python which implements the ActiveRecord
model for RDF data, similar as ActiveRDF does for RoR ?
Apologies if this is a bit of offtopic. :)
P.S. Thanks for the SIOC Explorer [1], it is a great tool for
exploring SIOC data. Congratulations for the 2nd place at the
Scripting for the Semantic Web challenge!
[1] https://launchpad.net/sioc-ex
[ http://captsolo.net/ | http://sioc-project.org/ ]
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"Unfortunately, MySpace, the most popular social networking service, which houses the biggest social network ever, makes its money by NON-distribution of that data. They sell eyeballs to advertisers, so distributed networking is inherently contrary to their business model.
An approach like what SIOC is aiming for, “Semantically Interlinking Online Communities,” is probably what will induce the big shift to Semantic Web practices. What is needed is users, so there will be a place for the next wave to take place."
excellent news for all SIOC community: SIOC is now an official member
submission of W3C:
Thank for all submitters, specially John and Uldis, who have made most
of the work.
Best regards,
Sergio Fernández López
Departamento de I+D+i - Fundación CTIC
E-mail: sergio.fernandez@fundacionctic.org
Tfno:+34 984 29 12 12
Parque Científico Tecnológico Gijón-Asturias-Spain
Hey, I found this great resource of technology articles and technology
news, there is also a link to a technology and development blog in the
links section, where you can post great stuff and share your knowledge
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To post to this group, send email to sioc-dev@googlegroups.com
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For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sioc-dev?hl=en
Hi all,
I notice that the rdfs:label of http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns#creator_of is just
'creator_of' which I don't think is very useful.
It makes it harder to build friendly looking public-facing RDF browser
I think it would be good to change sioc's labels to be actually human
readable (rather than human decipherable). So "Creator of" rather than
It would also be good to add plural/singular labels as appropriate, using
Morten Frederikson's label vocabulary:
What do you think?
Keith Alexander
Hi all,
I am happy to inform that http://int.ere.st is launching. The main
objective of int.ere.st is to demonstrate how Semantic Web and Web2.0
technologies can be combined to provide better metadata creating and
sharing support across online communities. With int.ere.st, you can
save, tag and bookmark your own as well as others' SCOT ontologies.
The tag meta search allows you to look for similar patterns of tagging
of persons with their interest based on tags. Various functionalities
are given as following:
- various tag search: and(&), or(space), co-occurrence(+), broader(>),
and narrower(<)
here is an interesting new application using SIOC, via RDFa mailing
--------- Forwarded message --------
De: Hausenblas, Michael
Para: RDFa
Fecha: Wed, 18 Jul 2007 09:01:16 +0200
Dear RDFa folks,
I'm delighted to announce the availability of MLE (pronounce: Melly)
[1]. MLE is the 'mailing list archives explorer', and basically
enhances (W3C) mailing list archives with SIOC metadata, deployed
with RDFa -as a result, SPARQL queries can be executed on top of it.
Hi All,
You are cordially invited to comment or participate in the UMBEL
(Upper Mapping and Binding Exchange Layer) project. I think it will
be a very nice complement to SIOC.
UMBEL is a lightweight way to describe the subject(s) of Web content,
akin to the relationship "isAbout". It is meant to work universally
with HTML, tagging, microformats or other standard practices,
including various RDF schemas and more formal ontologies. Its
reference subject 'backbone' is derived from the intersection of
common subjects found on popularly used Web sites and other accepted
subject references.
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To post to this group, send email to sioc-dev@googlegroups.com
To unsubscribe from this group, send email to sioc-dev-unsubscribe@googlegroups.com
via SWIG [1] I have found the existence of WikiRDF [2], a project with a
vocabulary [3] to describe wikis. Probably it's very related with SIOC
Types Module [4].
[1] http://swig.xmlhack.com/2007/06/08/2007-06-08.html#1181309672.183875
[2] http://wikirdf.org/
[3] http://wikirdf.org/vocabularies/wikiprofile/
[4] http://rdfs.org/sioc/spec/#sec-modules-types
Sergio Fernández - sergio.fernandez@fundacionctic.org
R&D Deparment
CTIC Foundation - www.fundacionctic.org
Phone: +34 984 29 12 12
Fax: +34 984 39 06 12
Edificio Centros Tecnológicos
Parque Científico Tecnológico