I'm currently working on a SIOC exporter for vBulletin using Alex's
As vBulletin uses flat threads, I was thinking about the correct way
to use the sioc:has_reply and sioc:reply_of properties for posts.
The problem here is that we can't know for sure which post the author
of a follow-up post is replying to:
It could be a reply to the previous post in the thread, to the thread
starting post or even to multiple posts in the thread.
So how can we use the sioc:reply_of property for a post in a flat
thread - should it point to the immediately previous or the thread
Hi all,
Having some thoughts this afternoon on how to represent a user
connecting / disconnecting channels on IRC, I thaught a sioc:Event
class might be useful.
More generally, it can help to represent subscription to
sioc:Containers, as IRC join / quit, RSS subscribing, starting
membership in a forum ...
This Event class could be defined in the SIOC core itself, but we may
also reuse (or subclass) existing Event classes from other ontologies
(I didn't look yet, but I think that iCal / music ontology Events may
fit there), and use
- sioc:has_creator
- sioc:has_container
- dcterms:created
as I already announced in RDFa mailing list [1], I've written a concept
test to detect RDFa in Firefox [2].
I think that could be interesting add RDFa support in SemRadar [3].
What's your opinion about it?
[2] http://www.wikier.org/wiki/RDFa
[3] http://sioc-project.org/firefox
Sergio Fernández - sergio.fernandez@fundacionctic.org
R&D Deparment
CTIC Foundation - www.fundacionctic.org
Phone: +34 984 29 12 12
Fax: +34 984 39 06 12
Edificio Centros Tecnológicos
Parque Científico Tecnológico
first I have to apologize if this posting floods your inbox; there
seem to be problems with google groups and I keep getting error
messages about not being allowed to post here... Seems I lost control of
what gets posted and how often.
My question is about the use of URIs in SIOC:
In the few examples on your project homepage and in the sioc-files
floating around in the wild it seems that there is a common (and, as
far as this mailing list goes, undisputed) practice of using document-
URIs for non-document resources. sioc:user, for example, is almost
always identified as some HTML-document, same for sioc:site and,
Trying to download the SIOC Exporter for Wordpress at
http://sioc-project.org/wordpress but am being asked for login details
to DERI subversion repository. How can I go about this?
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Call for Papers
2nd International ExpertFinder Workshop:
FEWS2007 (Finding Experts on the Web with Semantics)
Busan, Korea, 12th November 2007
co-located with the 6th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC
2007) and 2nd Asian Semantic Web Conference (ASWC 2007)
ExpertFinder (http://rdfweb.org/topic/ExpertFinder) is an emerging
collaborative initiative with the aim of devising vocabulary, rule
extensions (for e.g. FOAF and SIOC) and best practices to annotate
personal home pages, as well as web pages of institutions, conferences,
Dear All,
July has arrived and it reminds of something we wanted to write about
earlier - SIOC-Dev list has grown to 100+ members. Thank you for your
interest in SIOC and we hope to have many interesting and useful
discussions here.
Actually, 100+ is old news.
Currenly there are 119 members who have created a total of 696
messages. 100th member of SIOC-Dev is Steve Cayzer [1] and some of
recent SIOC-Dev message authors joined just before that (e.g., Keith
Alexander and John Hoogstrate). If you joined just recently (maybe you
even know you're 119th? :), welcome to let yourself known and
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Earle Martin
Date: Jul 6, 2007 2:03 PM
Subject: [wiki-standards] Wiki Profile Vocabulary
To: The discussion list for wiki standards
Hi all,
Thanks to everyone who attended Tuesday's IRC meeting
(http://wikiohana.net/cgi-bin/wiki.pl/IrcMeetingJuly2007) - it was
productive. For those who weren't there, I was inviting discussion on
a project I've been working on called the Wiki Profile Vocabulary,
which is essentially an RDF vocabulary for describing wikis and
aspects of wikis. (The idea was originally suggested by Ward; thanks.)
Hi All,
Multi-linguality in SIOC is something we need to think about. Summer
is a bit quieter season than usual on SIOC-Dev, but there's a lot to
do and I hope this message will raise us all to some constructive
Immediate reasons that made me write this post:
- SSSW 2007 summer school, which I am at now. It brings together an
interesting and very multi-cultural groups of students, tutors and
organisers (and you realise English is not the only language in the
- Stehanie Booth giving a talk today at Google about languages on the
Internet [1].
There are 2 main directions for multi-language support in SIOC:
Dear All,
New SIOC-related documents are here:
1) SIOC Ontology: Applications and Implementation Status
Describes all the applications which use and implement SIOC, or are
related to this project. (Of course there can be more applications
which we are not aware of. If you know of any, please write.)
2) SIOC Ontology: Related Ontologies and RDF Vocabularies
Describes vocabularies / ontologies which are related to SIOC, along
with details on what these relations are and some examples.
Also published a new version of the SIOC specification: