FYI, sounds like it is related to SIOC+IBIS/RDF.
-----Original Message-----
From: on behalf of Costello, Roger L.
Sent: Sun 20/05/2007 22:37
Subject: [uf-discuss] Proposal: hArgument Microformat
Hi Folks,
Michael Crichton says: "The greatest challenge facing mankind is the
challenge of distinguishing reality from fantasy, truth from
propaganda. Perceiving the truth has always been a challenge to
mankind, but in the information age (or as I think of it, the
disinformation age) it takes on a special urgency and importance."
One of the keys to distinguishing information from disinformation is to
have a clear understanding of the assumptions an author is making.
Typically, it takes a great deal of effort to distill an author's
assumptions. Bring clearly to light the assumptions being made would
go a long way towards facilitating a web of trust.
I propose an hArgument Microformat with two properties:
assumption (repeatable): a statement of what the author assumes to
be true,
and upon which his/her conclusion follows. [If it can be
demonstrated that
the assumption is false, then the conclusion is invalid]
conclusion (repeatable): a statement that derives from the
Example: below is an example of an argument. The argument can be
immediately discredited because the assumptions can be shown to be
Microformats are a disruptive
Microformats are attempting to supplant XML
documents with HTML and XHTML documents
The main benefit of Microformats is that it
allows graceful degradation
Microformats go too far.
It's almost better to use a more suited
format in such cases
The advantage of this is that there is no need to "guess" what are the
author's assumptions. They are clearly identified.
Use Cases: any web page that tries to convince you of something. The
examples are endless.
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FW: [uf-discuss] Proposal: hArgument Microformat
Breslin, John wrote:
> FYI, sounds like it is related to SIOC+IBIS/RDF.
> J.
SIOC+IBIS sounds more interesting to me.
I've put up a sample of eRDF describing a blog post using sioc and ibis
on the getsemantic wiki:
Any suggestions or comments on how it can be improved/corrected?
What is the most natural property of an ibis:Idea - dc:title?
dc:summary? rdfs:label? sioc:contents ?
Could a GRDDLable custom pattern offer a significantly cleaner syntax
over eRDF and RDFa?
Keith Alexander
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[uf-discuss] Proposal: hArgument Microformat
An interesting quote from Tim Berners-Lee relevant to typed replies in
"People are already experimenting with new social machines for online
peer review, while other tools such as chat rooms developed quite
independently and before the Web. [ ] By experimenting with these
structures, we may find a way to organise new social models that not
only scale well, but can be combined to form larger structures. [ ] Id
always been frustrated that the essential role of a message in an
argument was often lost information. [ ] We created a sub-directory
called Discussion [ that] allowed people to post questions on a given
subject, read and respond. A person couldnt just reply. He had to say
whether he was agreeing, disagreeing or asking for clarification of a
point. The idea was that the state of the discussion would be visible to
everyone involved."
These links may be of interest...
Eran's reply to my post about mf, SIOC and argumentative discussions:
An existing mf he referenced:
See also IBIS... The "assumption" you mentioned is more of a "question"
in IBIS that is supported or refuted, etc.
Issue-Based Information Systems:
Some terms in an IBIS vocabulary from Danny Ayers:
I think a hIBIS could be a good idea... We also want to include some
argumentative discussion features in SIOC.
Costello, Roger L. wrote:
> Hi Folks,
> Michael Crichton says: "The greatest challenge facing mankind is the
> challenge of distinguishing reality from fantasy, truth from
> propaganda. Perceiving the truth has always been a challenge to
> mankind, but in the information age (or as I think of it, the
> disinformation age) it takes on a special urgency and importance."
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