Hi Jaroslaw,
I stumbled across your message again and there is some more
information about tags to add here.
See "WordPress SIOC plugin v1.21 + Tags" [1] for announcement. This
improvement works with the "Ultimate Tag Warrior 3" plugin, used by
John at his site, and produces tags in SIOC RDF data.
A problem with WordPress and tags is that up until recently you needed
a plugin to add / manage tags. And accounting for all possible tags
plugins in the WP SIOC plugin is almost impossible. Please see - maybe
"UTW3" is a good plugin to try for you.
Recent WP versions possibly have included tagging, but I have not had
time to explore it. It would be great if someone could tell about
these changes and suggest improvements to the SIOC plugin.
[1] http://groups.google.com/group/sioc-dev/browse_thread/thread/97cb260199a1269b/
[ http://captsolo.net/info/ ]
On 4/24/07, jaroslaw.dobrzanski@deri.org
> Actually, Benjamin already mentioned about the problem with post
> catogories/topics. See http://groups.google.com/group/sioc-dev/t/3d4120361cec3a6b
> --
> regards
> Jaroslaw Dobrzanski
> >
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