> So I'm assuming that my sioc:site is a host of 1 sioc:forum that
> consists of all the stories (sioc:post) at the site. Does anyone see
> any problems with this?
Nope, looks fine...
> This also ignores content created by the page module. This is static
> content such as about page, contact details etc. Where does this kind
> of content fit into SIOC?
If it's commentable content, it could just take the same form as a story...
> What urls to use?
> -----------------------
> Looking at the snippet above the uris aren't unique. So or example the
> sioc:site and the sioc:forum have the same uri which is the root url
> of my site. I was thinking of just adding #stories to the url for the
> sioc:forum. Any other suggestions?
Sounds good...
> sioc:content and content:encoded
> --------------------------------------------
> The drupal module currently doesn't output the content of posts, just
> the title. What should sioc:content contain and content:encoded?
This must be a bug as content was exposed...
> Drupal has a set of filters that are applied to the raw text in the
> database. So if a user has defined filters for their content they may
> never want the raw content exposed.
I think the content:encoded should be HTML, as this will exposed at
least in pages...
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Some questions about SIOC for drupal plugin
On 5/17/07, aidanf wrote:
> I currently making some changes to the drupal SIOC plugin to get it
> working with my blog (http://www.aidanf.net).
Thanks for paying attnetion to the SIOC Drupal module.
> So I'm assuming that my sioc:site is a host of 1 sioc:forum that
> consists of all the stories (sioc:post) at the site. Does anyone see
> any problems with this?
That's fine and is the same way as in WordPress we assume that there
is one weblog corresponding to one sioc:Forum.
However, there is a problem with the URIs used - sioc:Site and
sioc:Forum have the same URI, and as a result they are considered to
be the same resource, their properties get mixed up, ...
You could use a fragment identifier (e.g., #story) to give sioc:Forum
a different identifier. Similar as in the SIOC data exported by the
WordPress SIOC plugin there's a sioc:Site with http://url-of-the-site
and sioc:Forum with a fragment identifier (#weblog) attached. This is
a "hack" or a workaround and maybe someone can suggest a better way.
But a good thing is that this works. :)
For an earlier SIOC-Dev thread asking what URIs to use for SIOC
resources see: http://tinyurl.com/2kjups
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