Dear All,
New SIOC-related documents are here:
1) SIOC Ontology: Applications and Implementation Status
Describes all the applications which use and implement SIOC, or are
related to this project. (Of course there can be more applications
which we are not aware of. If you know of any, please write.)
2) SIOC Ontology: Related Ontologies and RDF Vocabularies
Describes vocabularies / ontologies which are related to SIOC, along
with details on what these relations are and some examples.
Also published a new version of the SIOC specification:
3) SIOC Core Ontology Specification - 12 June 2007 - v1.26
We went over the specification and improved it where possible - better
descriptions for terms, improved SIOC ontology figure and all other
things that could be made better. sioc:Service related properties
moved to a separate module.
Detailed term definitions in the specification now properly abbreviate
all the namespaces referenced, and also include rdfs:subClassOf and
rdfs:subPropertyOf relationships (a result of improvements to the
SpecGen4 script).
Renamed the main document to the "SIOC Core Ontology Specification" to
account for the fact that there are also "SIOC Types module" and "SIOC
Services module".
This feeds into the preparation work for the SIOC member submission,
which is now finished.
Thanks a lot to all who contributed. Special thanks to John Breslin
for co-ordination, to Axel Polleres and Alexandre Passant for creating
the intial versions of the related ontologies and the implementations
list documents respectively.
If you have any questions, ideas or comments please write to the list
or to the editors of these documents.
[ ]
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