Hi All,
Multi-linguality in SIOC is something we need to think about. Summer
is a bit quieter season than usual on SIOC-Dev, but there's a lot to
do and I hope this message will raise us all to some constructive
Immediate reasons that made me write this post:
- SSSW 2007 summer school, which I am at now. It brings together an
interesting and very multi-cultural groups of students, tutors and
organisers (and you realise English is not the only language in the
- Stehanie Booth giving a talk today at Google about languages on the
Internet [1].
There are 2 main directions for multi-language support in SIOC:
1) Ontology
We can translate the ontology (labels and comments for all classes and
properties) into other languages, similarly as it's done with DOAP.
End-users could benefit from this, but mainly if they use generic RDF
browsers which make use of these labels and comments.
All the term comments and labels have xml:lang="en" (thanks for the
suggestion to add it!) and hence translations in other languages can
be simply added. All we need is those translations. :)
2) Data
Establish how to express multi-language content in SIOC RDF. This
should be entirely possible with the existing SIOC ontology, just need
to add a property (dc:lang) to specify what language a post/item is
in. This possibly has a larger impact than 1) but a question is how to
get those data? Do blog engines (say, WordPress or MovableType) always
know what language a post is in?
Of course, it depends on our requirements. If we find out that a
post/content can have multi-language content inside it (= there is >1
language per post) and we want to model these fragments, that may
require a somewhat more complex solution.
What do you think about it? What are the best approaches to solve
this, what are the challenges?
[1] http://climbtothestars.org/archives/2007/07/10/talk-languages-on-the-internet-at-google-tomorrow/
[ http://captsolo.net/info/ | http://twitter.com/CaptSolo ]
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Multi-linguality in SIOC
> Hi All,
> Multi-linguality in SIOC is something we need to think about. Summer
> is a bit quieter season than usual on SIOC-Dev, but there's a lot to
> do and I hope this message will raise us all to some constructive
> discussion.
> - SSSW 2007 summer school, which I am at now.
Welcome to Spain :-)
> There are 2 main directions for multi-language support in SIOC:
> 1) Ontology
> We can translate the ontology (labels and comments for all classes and
> properties) into other languages, similarly as it's done with DOAP.
> End-users could benefit from this, but mainly if they use generic RDF
> browsers which make use of these labels and comments.
> All the term comments and labels have xml:lang="en" (thanks for the
> suggestion to add it!) and hence translations in other languages can
> be simply added. All we need is those translations. :)
Great idea! I offer me as volunteer to translate the ontology into
Spanish. How we organized ourselves? I'm not sure if my account on your
subversion has permissions to modify these files.
> 2) Data
> Establish how to express multi-language content in SIOC RDF. This
> should be entirely possible with the existing SIOC ontology, just need
> to add a property (dc:lang) to specify what language a post/item is
> in.
And adding xml:lang too? For example, a Post instance could have content
in several languages using this attribute.
Sergio Fernández - sergio.fernandez@fundacionctic.org
R&D Deparment
CTIC Foundation - www.fundacionctic.org
Phone: +34 984 29 12 12
Fax: +34 984 39 06 12
Edificio Centros Tecnológicos
Parque Científico Tecnológico
33203 Cabueñes - Gijón - Asturias - Spain
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