I'm currently working on a SIOC exporter for vBulletin using Alex's
As vBulletin uses flat threads, I was thinking about the correct way
to use the sioc:has_reply and sioc:reply_of properties for posts.
The problem here is that we can't know for sure which post the author
of a follow-up post is replying to:
It could be a reply to the previous post in the thread, to the thread
starting post or even to multiple posts in the thread.
So how can we use the sioc:reply_of property for a post in a flat
thread - should it point to the immediately previous or the thread
starting post - or even all or none of previous posts? [1]
In a discussion [2] on #sioc irc channel it was proposed to use
sioc:Thread [3] to indicate that sioc:Posts are part of a discussion.
It was then suggested to either have
* each post marked as a reply to the first post or
* something like a linked list of posts using sioc:next_by_date and/or
and maybe add a property like sioc:first_post to sioc:Thread so that a
query is able to find the first post of a thread (sioc:first_post
being a subproperty of sioc:container_of)
Then rules could be used to deduce more knowledge about the thread and
its reply structure later.
Any comments and suggestions are very welcomed.
[1] Ideally a web forum application would store the IDs of posts that
are quoted in a reply, but vBulletin doesn't do that in a useful way.
[2] irc logs: http://tuukka.iki.fi/tmp/sioc-2007-11-05.html#12:52:10
[3] sioc:Thread is discussed here:
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sioc:reply_of in flat threads
Hi Thomas.
I solved this issue by defining all the messages as replies of the first.
post, just like you would do for comments on a blog or a picture. This
is also how it is visible to the users on the website.
The order of the replies is preserved indirectly by provinding the
creation date using
When the subject of the discussion moves away from the main topic it
will be moved to another one or closed. Anyway, even if the content of a
reply seems completely unrelated to the first post from an outside
perspective, the user still intended it to be there, making it
sematically correct to display it as a reply to the first post.
John Hoogstrate
Thomas Schandl wrote:
> Hi!
> I'm currently working on a SIOC exporter for vBulletin using Alex's
> As vBulletin uses flat threads, I was thinking about the correct way
> to use the sioc:has_reply and sioc:reply_of properties for posts.
> The problem here is that we can't know for sure which post the author
> of a follow-up post is replying to:
> It could be a reply to the previous post in the thread, to the thread
> starting post or even to multiple posts in the thread.
> So how can we use the sioc:reply_of property for a post in a flat
> thread - should it point to the immediately previous or the thread
> starting post - or even all or none of previous posts? [1]
> In a discussion [2] on #sioc irc channel it was proposed to use
> sioc:Thread [3] to indicate that sioc:Posts are part of a discussion.
> It was then suggested to either have
> * each post marked as a reply to the first post or
> * something like a linked list of posts using sioc:next_by_date and/or
> sioc:previous_by_date
> and maybe add a property like sioc:first_post to sioc:Thread so that a
> query is able to find the first post of a thread (sioc:first_post
> being a subproperty of sioc:container_of)
> Then rules could be used to deduce more knowledge about the thread and
> its reply structure later.
> Any comments and suggestions are very welcomed.
> Regards,
> Thomas
> [1] Ideally a web forum application would store the IDs of posts that
> are quoted in a reply, but vBulletin doesn't do that in a useful way.
> [2] irc logs: http://tuukka.iki.fi/tmp/sioc-2007-11-05.html#12:52:10
> [3] sioc:Thread is discussed here:
> http://groups.google.com/group/sioc-dev/browse_thread/thread/e474ee9f0b964ba2/2c5b07a4bbb49361
> >
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sioc:reply_of in flat threads
> I solved this issue by defining all the messages as replies of the first
> post, just like you would do for comments on a blog or a picture.
Yes, this is a way. But in many ocasions a user answers another post
without moving from the main topic. So, I personally prefer the
sioc:Thread option to model those type of duscussions.
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