Dear All,
July has arrived and it reminds of something we wanted to write about
earlier - SIOC-Dev list has grown to 100+ members. Thank you for your
interest in SIOC and we hope to have many interesting and useful
discussions here.
Actually, 100+ is old news.
Currenly there are 119 members who have created a total of 696
messages. 100th member of SIOC-Dev is Steve Cayzer [1] and some of
recent SIOC-Dev message authors joined just before that (e.g., Keith
Alexander and John Hoogstrate). If you joined just recently (maybe you
even know you're 119th? :), welcome to let yourself known and
introduce yourself.
The most active thread of the recent month was: "Ontology suggestions
needed" [2], started by John Breslin with 8 messages in total, the
last by Alexandre Passant. Due to the way Google Groups shows messages
(by the date of the last reply) it falls within the archive of this
month even though was started a bit earlier.
If someone wants to do a more detailed analysis of SIOC-Dev stats and
dynamics that would be great. There sure is more that can be done -
highlighting the messages which you see as the most interesting, or
those which need to be followed up, etc... Please do your thing and
share with others. ;-D
The previous report of SIOC-Dev stats [3] raised a question by [GNU] -
where is the RDF version? If by this you mean something derived from
mailing list posts (e.g., a community of posters) then you will have
to create it. But as Sergio pointed out in another reply to [3] - all
the data needed (SIOC-Dev posts in SIOC RDF) are available at [4] and
the derived information can be acquired via a simple SPARQL query.
Of particular importance to SIOC-Dev is a post titled " ANN: New
documents - (1) SIOC Implementations list; (2) Relations w. other
ontologies; (3) Update to the SIOC Specification" [5]. It announces
the results of joint work of everyone here in coming up with a new and
solid SIOC specification and two other documents (they're well worth
exploring). Now it's time to build more applications that put SIOC
data to some good use! :)
P.S. And soon, i hope, we will have some more news regarding the
documents mentioned in [5]. Stay tuned for more.
[ ]
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