Hi all,
Just saw IRC logs using SIOC provided by Tuukka [1], that's great !
So ... Many messages on IRC are addressed to one particular people.
They are not necessary replies (and moreover, it would be difficult to
see the message they reply to), but we should find a way to say a
message is addressed to someone in particular.
What about a property addressed_to with domain = sioc:Post and range =
sioc:User ?
It could also be used in private messages and all instant messaging logs.
I remember NABU [1] from ISWC05, they defined a protocol for instant messaging.
Don't know if the project is still in use, but if so, we should take
care of mapping SIOC with it.
I'll have a look at it more precisely.
[1] http://www.johnbreslin.com/blog/2007/03/14/irc-logs-of-sioc-using-sioc/
[2] http://www.semanticdesktop.org/xwiki/bin/view/Wiki/NabuASemanticArchiveForXMPPInstantMessaging
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SIOC, IRC logs, instant messaging
On 3/14/07, Alexandre Passant wrote:
> Just saw IRC logs using SIOC provided by Tuukka [1], that's great !
Great, that's good news! :)
> So ... Many messages on IRC are addressed to one particular people.
> They are not necessary replies (and moreover, it would be difficult to
> see the message they reply to), but we should find a way to say a
> message is addressed to someone in particular.
> What about a property addressed_to with domain = sioc:Post and range =
> sioc:User ?
> It could also be used in private messages and all instant messaging logs.
The same is true for email messages, and to some extent to mailing
list and usenet messages. E.g., a mailing list message may have a
number of recipients.
They can all use the same property.
Another possible name - has_recipient.
[ http://captsolo.net/info/ ]
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SIOC, IRC logs, instant messaging
On 3/14/07, Uldis Bojars wrote: wrote:
> On 3/14/07, Alexandre Passant
> The same is true for email messages, and to some extent to mailing
> list and usenet messages. E.g., a mailing list message may have a
> number of recipients.
> They can all use the same property.
> Another possible name - has_recipient.
I agree they must use a unique property.
has_recipient sounds better regarding already existing properties
names "has_xxx"
> Uldis
> [ http://captsolo.net/info/ ]
> >
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