Hi all -
I've made a start on a phpBB exporter but haven't had a chance to finish
it off :(
So far, the stuff is at:
and you can see an output at:
The site, forums and part of the post export is done, which means that
the post part has to be finished and also the user export has to be added.
If anyone has any phpBB know-how and time to finish the exporter, do let
me know (else I will have to wait until free time presents itself).
Dr. John Breslin
DERI, NUI Galway
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phpBB exporter version 1 (Was: Anyone interested in helping wit
Oh well, I got an hour or two in some airports to make a first version
of this...
You can get the phpBB exporter from:
Test installs at:
John Breslin wrote:
> Hi all -
> I've made a start on a phpBB exporter but haven't had a chance to finish
> it off :(
> So far, the stuff is at:
> http://sw.deri.org/svn/sw/2005/08/sioc/phpbb/
> and you can see an output at:
> http://www.boards.co.nz/forums/sioc.php
> The site, forums and part of the post export is done, which means that
> the post part has to be finished and also the user export has to be
> If anyone has any phpBB know-how and time to finish the exporter, do let
> me know (else I will have to wait until free time presents itself).
> Thanks,
> John.
Dr. John Breslin
DERI, NUI Galway
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