Hi All,
> The list of SIOC types at [1] looks good. There may be some
> fine-tuning of SIOC types as we implement them, some properties may be
> moved up from Post to Item, but all in all it is a good start and lets
> us move forward.
In order to finish SIOC ontology revisions that John posted about
recently, please have a look at the changes in the SIOC ontology [1]
and SIOC types module [2] in SVN. This is the first part of revision,
with the second part being new properties still in discussion on a
separate thread [3].
[1] http://sw.deri.org/svn/sw/2005/08/sioc/ontology/ns.rdf
[2] http://sw.deri.org/svn/sw/2005/08/sioc/ontology/types.rdf
[3] http://groups.google.com/group/sioc-dev/browse_thread/thread/a443ae44fc9b0441
Changes include new classes (but not properties) in the SIOC ontology
and many new subtypes in SIOC types module. If you are OK with these
changes, we can publish them tomorrow.
One question which I have is how do you correctly "import" external
classes into the ontology and say that, e.g., doap:Project is a
sioc:Item? The solution currently implemented in types.rdf is [
doap:Project rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Item ]. It avoids duplicating a
doap:Project class within SIOC (a good thing), but might also be
called an intrusion in the structure of another ontology. That's why I
am asking about it.
While writing this here are some more improvements we may do:
- subclass sioc:topic from a dc:subject;
- create sioct:InstantMessage as a subtype of sioc:Post - prompted by
a question by Jaroslaw on how to model instant messages in SIOC.
That's it for the types module and please write your thoughts about
the new properties discussed in [3].
Best regards,
Uldis Bojars
[ http://captsolo.net/info/ ]
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SIOC ontology revisions
On 3/13/07, Uldis Bojars wrote:
> Changes include new classes (but not properties) in the SIOC ontology
> and many new subtypes in SIOC types module. If you are OK with these
> changes, we can publish them tomorrow.
Just published these changes to the SIOC website:
- http://rdfs.org/sioc/ns
- http://rdfs.org/sioc/types
Updated the specification:
- http://rdfs.org/sioc/spec/
(my mistake - left in the previous revision date in the name, will
correct tomorrow)
Next thing to do - decide on the new "parts of" and "body" properties
and add them. The ontology already contains some property names
suggested - sioc:embeds and sioc:content_enhanced (in RDF/XML,
currently commented out), but there is still discussion going on in
another SIOC-Dev thread.
Other changes we may need:
- subclass sioc:Community from sioc:Container (or sioc:Space?) or
make it use the same has_container / container_of properties as
Container does (or "bump" its has_part and part_of properties one
level up to sioc:Container).
Community is currently underused, but its idea was to act as a
container for any kind of resources which are parts of a community.
Question: what is sioc:Space? Does it have any special properties or
is it just a container that contains other containers?
> One question which I have is how do you correctly "import" external
> classes into the ontology and say that, e.g., doap:Project is a
> sioc:Item? The solution currently implemented in types.rdf is [
> doap:Project rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Item ]. It avoids duplicating a
> doap:Project class within SIOC (a good thing), but might also be
> called an intrusion in the structure of another ontology. That's why I
> am asking about it.
Still open.
> While writing this here are some more improvements we may do:
> - subclass sioc:topic from a dc:subject;
> - create sioct:InstantMessage as a subtype of sioc:Post - prompted by
> a question by Jaroslaw on how to model instant messages in SIOC.
What other changes need to be done now?
[ http://captsolo.net/info/ ]
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SIOC ontology revisions
> > While writing this here are some more improvements we may do:
> > - create sioct:InstantMessage as a subtype of sioc:Post - prompted by
> > a question by Jaroslaw on how to model instant messages in SIOC.
I reckon it is possible to medel an online discussion in a manner we
deal with blog posts. You can take each blog post as a message sent
during discussion and inform that it is a message, not post, by some
However, to me, introducing SIOC:InstantMessage makes sense - this
logically distinguishes messages from posts.
Looking forward to hearing others' opinions :)
Jaroslaw Dobrzanski
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