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- Provide emaiI-addresses for you order
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* We supply also mailing solutions (Server).
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Hello all,
I have written up some ideas regarding the picture Uldis send
Christoph, experiencing the boundaries of mailinglists and weblogs...
blogging at: http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei
info at: http://B4mad.Net/FOAF/goern.rdf#goern
gpg key:
x509 root ca certificate:
There seems to be a conflict in which domains "created_at" has. The
specification says its domain is sioc:Post, but in the namespace
document it is sioc:Post AND sioc:User.
Property: sioc:created_at
created_at - When this was created, in ISO 8601 format.
Domain: sioc:Post
WordPress SIOC plugin - a new version (v1.18) is out!
Get it at the usual location [1].
Please install it and let us know your feedback.
Added: export of FOAF info in SIOC pages for Posts and Comments.
Improved: can now control if e-mail addresses are shown or hidden in
SIOC/FOAF User profiles (default:hidden).
We would like to get it as much SIOC information in the new format as
possible (in this new format) in order to use it for experiments with
SIOC browsing - to publish results in a paper at BlogTalk conference
Please see a revised example [1] for the SIOC specification. The old
SIOC example is outdated. This is intended as a simple example showing
SIOC in use.
- Removed content:encoded from the example.
- Changed created_at to dcterms:created
- Added sioc:topic
- Added sioc:has_reply
- Added post title as a dc:title
My proposal is to include this example in the specification and to add
a link to a SIOC Developer's Guide (to be written by us all) that
contains more detailed examples on using SIOC.
[ ]
I have updated class and property descriptions in the SIOC ontology and
its specification.
Goal of this update is to improve clarity of descriptions of SIOC
Could you please go through the SIOC specification [1], take a look at
concept descriptions (there are short descriptions taken from
rdfs:comment(s) in the ontology and long descriptions for some
classes/properties) and give your feedback?
If you feel that a concept would benefit from a longer description,
please suggest it.
[ ]
Short announcement - Semantic Radar is here:
You may try it out and send some feedback: ideas, comments, bug reports.
Those can be also filed in the wiki [1].
It detects presence of SIOC, FOAF and DOAP autodiscovery links in web
pages. If detected, a user is alerted by displaying icon in the status
bar and the Semantic Web ping service [2] is pinged.
Note: a blacklist is planned but currently it sends a ping for every
page where these autodiscovery links are detected. Excercise caution
if you have secret SIOC, FOAF or DOAP files. :)
Will write more later.
FYI: Reply from David Sheets about viewing WP SIOC data in Tabulator.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: David Sheets
Date: Aug 16, 2006 6:25 PM
Subject: Re: Tabulator issue
To: Uldis Bojars
Hi Uldis,
The first point you bring up is a design feature. Resource [1] does
not contain any triples describing itself and thus we can make no
statements about it when you load it into the tabulator. We do provide
a convenience, however, in the form of triples describing what classes
a resource mentions. In this way, you can navigate down from your
resource to the data that it contains but that may not necessarily be
Hi All,
Could you please comment on this question:
what should sioc:Post point to as its creator ?
There are two main alternatives: (a) sioc:has_creator -> sioc:User; (b)
foaf:maker -> foaf:Person
Initially (and before usage of foaf:Person was added to SIOC) the
option (a) was intended. This can be observed in the RDF data [1]
generated by WordPress SIOC plugin. This option allows to keep the
information on which user account created the content.
If we do not link from sioc:Post to sioc:User then the user concept
does not become unneeded as such, but it is not used much either - as