For some reason I have been thinking for a while that one could have
literals such as
[] :title "Silly Mistake"@en^^:html .
I think it was the fact that there were two symbols (@ and ^^) that
made me think this way.
But of course the similarity between the N3 ^ and the literal ^^
should have sounded the alarm bells more clearly.
This does not affect the current ontology, but it does seem to put an
end to some of my recent hopes of simplifying the ontology by having
the object of the :title, :subtitle, :summary relations be a literal.
I needed to be able to specify the language, the base url and the
A continuation of the discussion from
Atom is clearly a more detailed specification for Web Content and its
wide adoption is inevitable (IMHO). Thus, I would like to suggest that
we consider a term change re. sioc:content since it currently refers to
the Text Content of a "Post" rather than the actual Content of a "Post"
which AtomOWL covers very well. My replacement term suggestions are any
of the following:
I think we have a great opportunity to connect SIOC and AtomOWL via
Hi all,
I was thinking about adding cardinality restrictions to some of the
SIOC properties (if so, the ontology will use OWL properties instead
of RDFS one, but I don't think that's an issue).
It will allow to more precisely mention what we expect from SIOC data
(and also valid this).
The list has been added to OntologieIssues page of the wiki [1] and
here's a few one to discuss:
* account_of: min = 1; max = 1 .
If an account is shared by more that one foaf:Person, I think it's
better to use a foaf:Group as range since sioc:account_of has
foaf:Agent for range (not already in the specs, but seems it was
Great posters, they really show the concepts on an understandable
I had sent the SIOC uri to the creator of, as evangelizing
to the "Web 2.0" community can be my best contribution. He could not
display it, for some reason.....
Peter Murray Rust has a good take on PDF:
So this is a request for a png file.
I tried Adobe's online tool for the first poster, it failed to convert
to html.
If I'm able to convert to a compact portable lightweght open format, I
shall do it and send to John.
Question: I would like to make t-shirts, notepads, etc., promotional
"I've been spending (losing?) time the last three days by looking at
various projects that one could call 'web 2.0', or, more precise
(?) websites & softwares that try to use (cash in?) on the power of
social networking."
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Hi all -
For those involved in cite-rel or interested in the area of distributed
conversations (and Eran's cool distributed social anything ideas!), I
have written a few ideas about how SIOC [2] relates to Microformats and
vice versa on my blog [1]...
Looking forward to your comments,
All the best,
Dr. John Breslin
DERI, NUI Galway
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Hi all,
Drupal SIOC exporter [1] have been updated according to the latest
specs (v1.08) (removing deprecated properties, using dcterms ...).
The mappings with FOAF have also been introduced, even it's not
immediate at the moment as there are some changes to be made in the
FOAF module [2]. Yet, you can install the FOAF module for drupal [3]
and then apply this patch [4] to make it work.
NB: b2evo have also been recently updated to fix a few bugs, update it
if your blog is using it
I just wrote a first documentation for the PHP API, with examples
based on the DotClear exporter.
BTW, I know John is working on a PHPBB export, but are there other
exporters currently written (so that we may join our forces, and avoid
duplicate work) ? David from (I don't know if he's one
the list) is interested in punBB export, but from what I've heard,
it's of fork of phpBB so it can be done later.
Finally, is there anyone interested in coding a Perl module (for
MovableType, as Uldis noticed) or in RoR for Typo engine ?
SIOC One Page Guides in PDF Format
We've created a series of three one-page summaries for those new to SIOC:
* 1: A SIOC Executive Summary
* 2: A SIOC User's Guide
* 3: A SIOC Developer's Guide
Will be distributing to interested parties at BlogTalk, feel free to
use if appropriate...
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Hi All,
This week there will be continuous updates to the SIOC specification
and documents related to it. I will announce changes and let you know
when all the changes are done.
What has been changed today:
- Created a SIOC Types module [1], added a link to it to the SIOC
- Updated SIOC data example, changes being discussed in a separate
SIOC-Dev thread
- Changed format of section "External Classes and Properties" [2]
Types module currently contains only "Comment" which is a subtype of