This is a quick intro from the AtomOwl list. AtomOwl is trying to do
its best to map the atom syndication format to rdf. The idea is to
stick as closely as possible to the intuitions of atom xml folk, so
that one can use AtomOwl to reason about atom in a way that is
immediately obvious to the atom folk. This should also to help explain
how one can use other vocabularies such as sioc or foaf with atom.
AtomOwl is now quite readable and is available here:
Since SIOC has some relations with feeds it would be interesting to
have the input of your community to how your vocabulary maps to
Hi everyone,
I need to parse an RDFS file (RDFS-Schema) (which is an ontology,
classes, sub-classes, properties...). I tried the API Jena, but the
I found just parse data (RDF files) and not RDF-schemas. Do you have an
example of a java class that parse an RDFS file ?
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I discover that the SIOC WordPress plugin automatically generates URI
for WordPress blog users. For example,
This is fine as long as the consumer of this URI only cares about the
associated semantics of the URI. However, if the consumer wants to
treat this URI as a URL and want to see the content that is linked from
the URI, the above behavior is quite undesirable.
I did a quick hack [1] adding a URL rewrite rule on my web server. Now
if you visit the above URI in your browser, you will be redirected to a
page that is more meaningful to a human.
Ron Kass from BoardTracker [1] recently visited us in DERI to talk
about our work and give a presentation. See John's post [2] for more
[1] http://www.boardtracker.com/
[2] http://www.johnbreslin.com/blog/2006/07/06/ron-kass-of-boardtracker-visits-deri/
They are interested to use SIOC, but one question needs to be solved
before that - since they are aggregating boards data and displaying
excerpts of posts on their site (giving new URLs) how should their
SIOC data point to the original post?
This question was already introduced by John when he asked about
We need a page to collaborate on open issues.
Now there is a wiki page for that:
That is a place to record issues and proposals how to solve them.
Issues on a Wiki should work better than each of us trying to navigate
the mailing list searching for the relevant message (I find it hard
already, and then it turns out Google Groups does not provide
permalinks for individual messages, only for threads).
Mailing list is still a valid way to discuss, just please make sure to
record a summary of your arguments on the wiki.
Christoph mentioned on #sioc (when crschmidt visited us and told a bit
about FOAF in LJ):
17:39 < [GNU]> ja, but never managed that it worked on my feeds
17:39 < [GNU]> there is no docs :( i think it was a one safari
developer hack
People developing this (Safari Syndication) seem to be devoted to
making it better. The best thing to do would be to readd their mailing
list [1] and ask questions if you want to know how it detects/processes
FOAF and submit bug reports to Apple bugtracker.
Basically - submit as a bug any FOAF profile Safari is not detecting.
Thanks to Danny Ayers who brought this information up on #swig. :)
> Good news for SIOC developers:
Our paper titled "SIOC Browser - Towards a Richer Blog Browsing
Experience" has been accepted for the BlogTalk Reloaded conference.
You can find the abstract below.
> SIOC Browser - Towards a Richer Blog Browsing Experience
>> Uldis Bojars, John G.Breslin and Alexandre Passant
Semantically Interlinked Online Communities (SIOC)
http://rdfs.org/sioc/ is a framework for expressing information
contained within weblogs and online community sites in a machine
readable form. It consists of a SIOC ontology that defines the
Here is a link to XSLT that converts Mozilla bookmarks RDF file into
Wiki markup:
[ MozBookmarks2Wiki ]
(site was down, hence using cached version)
If interesting in exporting Mozilla bookmarks and history in RDF, look here:
[ Exporting Mozilla Bookmarks and History as RDF / XML ]
While this is not directly related to SIOC, maybe you can find
interesting uses for this data.
[ http://captsolo.net/info/ ]
SWIG scratchpad has a link to the Atom-OWL ToDO page:
* http://esw.w3.org/topic/AtomOwl/Todo
And a comment by bblfish: SIOC, foaf, RSS1.x input welcome
See if you can provide some comments.
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For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sioc-dev
WordPress will let you export the entire blog and comments in an XML
file starting from the next release (2.1).
The XML format is an extended version of RSS 2.0.
(would be interesting to take a look at it).
"The export is mainly useful for moving content between WordPress
blogs that you run, whether it's moving from your self-hosted blog to
the convienence of WordPress.com or the other direction. It includes
posts, pages, comments, drafts, private posts, categories, and more.
We don't yet have a plugin that can generate this format for older