Please see a revised example [1] for the SIOC specification. The old
SIOC example is outdated. This is intended as a simple example showing
SIOC in use.
- Removed content:encoded from the example.
- Changed created_at to dcterms:created
- Added sioc:topic
- Added sioc:has_reply
- Added post title as a dc:title
My proposal is to include this example in the specification and to add
a link to a SIOC Developer's Guide (to be written by us all) that
contains more detailed examples on using SIOC.
[ ]
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Revised SIOC example for the specification
Added a new section "External Classes and Properties" to describe the
most common classes and properties used with SIOC.
- add aowl:Content (pending decision how to link sioc:Post to
- add content:encoded (used with older versions of SIOC exporters)
- describe namespaces used in this section.
If there are classes and properties I have forgotten, please remind.
Note that in theory very many RDF properties and classes can be used
together. This section lists
properties that are necessary to be used to fully express some
information (e.g., dcterms:created, dc:title) and some of those that
can be used with SIOC in a meaningful way.
[ ]
Uldis Bojars wrote:
> Please see a revised example [1] for the SIOC specification. The old
> SIOC example is outdated. This is intended as a simple example showing
> SIOC in use.
> [1]
> - Removed content:encoded from the example.
> - Changed created_at to dcterms:created
> - Added sioc:topic
> - Added sioc:has_reply
> - Added post title as a dc:title
> My proposal is to include this example in the specification and to add
> a link to a SIOC Developer's Guide (to be written by us all) that
> contains more detailed examples on using SIOC.
> Uldis
> [ ]
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