Hello all,
I have written up some ideas regarding the picture Uldis send
Please read more at http://b4mad.net/datenbrei/archives/2006/07/22/
Christoph, experiencing the boundaries of mailinglists and weblogs...
blogging at: http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei
info at: http://B4mad.Net/FOAF/goern.rdf#goern
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Using SKOS to describe communication structures
Clarification please:
At the b4mad blog post, this is stated:
"A weblog entry would be of type sioc:Post and would have a
skos:subject of http://b4mad.net/skos/communication/weblog#entry."
Reading from http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/WD-swbp-skos-core-spec-20051102/
about skos:subject:
"A concept that is a subject of the resource"
Would the skos:Post have another entry of type skos:subject that
speaks to the subject of the sioc:Post in terms of the actual concept
being discussed in the post itself?
I am trying to understand how this skos entry will help me find a blog
post about, say, recent events in the middle east, or global warming,
or, indeed, SIOC. Where does the identity of the subject itself as
compared to the identity of the representations of the subject get
inserted into a skos record?
I am inclined to think of an "entry" as a synonym for "post", or
possibly even a subclass of "post", but not as the subject of a post.
Perhaps only a minor ontological quibble, but I'm trying to understand
how skos helps me find subjects.
On 7/21/06, Christoph Görn wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have written up some ideas regarding the picture Uldis send
> earlier...
> Please read more at http://b4mad.net/datenbrei/archives/2006/07/22/
> using-skos-to-describe-communication-structures/
> Christoph, experiencing the boundaries of mailinglists and weblogs...
> --
> blogging at: http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei
> info at: http://B4mad.Net/FOAF/goern.rdf#goern
> gpg key: http://pgpkeys.pca.dfn.de:11371/pks/lookup?
> op=get&search=0xB10DFF8D88FD746C
> x509 root ca certificate: http://b4mad.net/CA/
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Using SKOS to describe communication structures
Heja Jack, thanks for the comment.
Am 22.07.2006 um 16:16 schrieb Jack Park:
> At the b4mad blog post, this is stated:
> "A weblog entry would be of type sioc:Post and would have a
> skos:subject of http://b4mad.net/skos/communication/weblog#entry."
> Reading from http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/WD-swbp-skos-core-
> spec-20051102/
> about skos:subject:
> "A concept that is a subject of the resource"
From my understanding these two statements say "a weblog entry is a
sioc:Post and a skos:Concept whichs label is "Weblog Entry"
> Would the skos:Post have another entry of type skos:subject that
> speaks to the subject of the sioc:Post in terms of the actual concept
> being discussed in the post itself?
Ja, right, that's how I understand it. The skos:subject I introduced
is only to enrich the information what the sioc:Post itself is like.
Additional skos:subject (or sioc:subject (arent they obsolete?)) may
make additional statements about the content of the sioc:Post.
> I am trying to understand how this skos entry will help me find a blog
> post about, say, recent events in the middle east, or global warming,
> or, indeed, SIOC.
What I have described wouldnt help you. I have tried to outline a
solution for the problem of different media transporting a
communication. If you query a potential data store for all sioc:Post
the skos:subject indicates that the post may be a mailinglist#mail or
a weblog#comment or a irc#message. I am trying to describe
communication and its structure in a more rich way, not the content
of communication.
> Thanks
> Jack
thank you, Christoph
> On 7/21/06, Christoph Görn wrote:
>> Hello all,
>> I have written up some ideas regarding the picture Uldis send
>> earlier...
>> Please read more at http://b4mad.net/datenbrei/archives/2006/07/22/
>> using-skos-to-describe-communication-structures/
Christoph Görn
Usability schmusability... where's the part where we talk about how
this helps users kick ass?
Using SKOS to describe communication structures
Thank you very much Christoph.
I think I understand your aims better now. Let me ask this question.
What if, instead of "mail" or "entry" being the subject of a post,
instead, those were listed as subclasses of post such that I can then
query the database for "mail" as a type of object rather than a
My motivation is that my question reflects much closer to the way I,
and, gosh, maybe I alone, think. I'd like to do joins on type &
subject because that's how I think. Then, I can ask for all "mail"
objects the subject of which is "bird flu".
Would that move you any closer to a solution to the different media problem?
Thanks again.
On 7/22/06, Christoph Görn wrote: wrote:
> Heja Jack, thanks for the comment.
> Am 22.07.2006 um 16:16 schrieb Jack Park:
> > At the b4mad blog post, this is stated:
> > "A weblog entry would be of type sioc:Post and would have a
> > skos:subject of http://b4mad.net/skos/communication/weblog#entry."
> >
> > Reading from http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/WD-swbp-skos-core-
> > spec-20051102/
> > about skos:subject:
> > "A concept that is a subject of the resource"
> From my understanding these two statements say "a weblog entry is a
> sioc:Post and a skos:Concept whichs label is "Weblog Entry"
> > Would the skos:Post have another entry of type skos:subject that
> > speaks to the subject of the sioc:Post in terms of the actual concept
> > being discussed in the post itself?
> Ja, right, that's how I understand it. The skos:subject I introduced
> is only to enrich the information what the sioc:Post itself is like.
> Additional skos:subject (or sioc:subject (arent they obsolete?)) may
> make additional statements about the content of the sioc:Post.
> > I am trying to understand how this skos entry will help me find a blog
> > post about, say, recent events in the middle east, or global warming,
> > or, indeed, SIOC.
> What I have described wouldnt help you. I have tried to outline a
> solution for the problem of different media transporting a
> communication. If you query a potential data store for all sioc:Post
> the skos:subject indicates that the post may be a mailinglist#mail or
> a weblog#comment or a irc#message. I am trying to describe
> communication and its structure in a more rich way, not the content
> of communication.
> > Thanks
> > Jack
> thank you, Christoph
> > On 7/21/06, Christoph Görn
> >> Hello all,
> >> I have written up some ideas regarding the picture Uldis send
> >> earlier...
> >>
> >> Please read more at http://b4mad.net/datenbrei/archives/2006/07/22/
> >> using-skos-to-describe-communication-structures/
> --
> Christoph Görn
> http://B4mad.Net/FOAF/goern.rdf#goern
> Usability schmusability... where's the part where we talk about how
> this helps users kick ass?
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Using SKOS to describe communication structures
Am 22.07.2006 um 19:13 schrieb Jack Park:
> What if, instead of "mail" or "entry" being the subject of a post,
> instead, those were listed as subclasses of post such that I can then
> query the database for "mail" as a type of object rather than a
> subject?
That is another solution to the problem. My approach was a
minimalistic from a "invention of new object or ontologies" point of
view. Your approach of subclassing is obviously valid too, but need
the rest of the world to understand what the subclasses eg. should be
visualized. My approach is compatible with any basic sioc-core
browser (as the one by CaptSolo for example).
> Then, I can ask for all "mail" objects the subject of which is
> "bird flu".
> Would that move you any closer to a solution to the different media
> problem?
What I have in mind is a use case like "get me all sioc:Post
(regardless of their source media), filter out all that is not of
subject 'bird flu' and display them, additionally indicate the source
media (as a hint to an application or a visual indicator for a human).
blogging at: http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei
info at: http://B4mad.Net/FOAF/goern.rdf#goern
gpg key: http://pgpkeys.pca.dfn.de:11371/pks/lookup?
x509 root ca certificate: http://b4mad.net/CA/