Hello, I just read thru the current version of the SIOC Ontology at
http://sw.deri.org/svn/2005/08/sioc/spec/sioc.html and have a few
comments and question:
1) what is sioc:id for? it is supposed to hold an identifier for a
instance of a thing? So, it is a IRI/URI ? Feels redundant...
2) sioc:link to be deprecated... good, fells redundant too :) so it
should be marked as owl:DeprecatedProperty
3) created_at, modified_at, description, subject, title are those
going to be subProperties of DCMI equivalents?
4) sioc:ip_address this property seems to belong to a "administrative
In order to try Alex's SIOC PHP API - please see an early version of
SIOC exporter for b2evolution.
The API makes it really easy to create SIOC data exporters. Thanks,
Alex! :)
The only difficulty was to "downgrade" the API from using PHP5 objects
to PHP4. All the files are in [1]:
- sioc.php - the exporter for b2evolution
- sioc_inc4.php - SIOC API adapted to PHP4
- sioc_inc5.php - original PHP5 API
[1] http://sw.deri.org/svn/sw/2005/08/sioc/php_api/
You may try the exporter here:
- http://sparql.captsolo.net/b2evo-0.9.2/xmlsrv/sioc.php?blog=1 (site)
Hi all,
Here's a first version of my SIOC browser / explorer:
The idea, as discussed with Uldis when I was in Galway, is:
- Crawl different SIOC blogs
- Put data in a 3store
- Query this data w/SPARQL over HTTP
- Get some clean interfaces to view results
The browser is available here: http://apassant.net/hack/2006/06/sioc-browser/tags.php
I'll explain the concepts and the implementation later as I'd like to improve / redesign some parts of the code first - will do that next week -, but you still can try it now. (In a few words, it uses JSON / AJAX / PHP)
Now when many ontology changes have been submitted it is time to update
and improve the SIOC Specification. In order to let everybody
participate here is a new tool:
> SIOC Specification Template - Collaborative editing
It is a wiki page that contains latest HTML template of the spec. All
are welcome tu use this page to "polish" the template and demonstrate
proposed changes.
Technicalities: SIOC specification is auto-generated from (1) template;
(2) ontology; (3) term definitions. Using the wiki page you can edit a
copy of the template and instantly see how it would look in real life.
What are the main advantages of SIOC and also disadvantages of the
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Uldis sent me on this link which is of interest to SIOC:
I hope to reply to his blog post when my account is verified...
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For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sioc-dev
Hello mailing list part of the SIOC Community,
I have research the RDFa fragments that need to be present on e.g.
blog postings to link to SIOC data (which should represent the SIOC
data for the blog posting.
After discussion with CaptSolo (and help from EliasT) there is only
RDFa in the posting that links to (via rdfs:seeAlso) the SIOC data.
Alternatively a full representation of SIOC data embedded as RDFa in
the postings XHTML could be done. This clearly introduces a lot of
redundancy, thus this approach was skipped.
As RDFa is GRDDL compatible one may write a XSLT (and link to it
Hello all,
reusing the free time of a bank holiday I've finished a super
minimalistic sioc browser at http://b4mad.net/sparqs/sparql.html some
background at http://b4mad.net/datenbrei/archives/2006/06/05/sioc-
blogging at: http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei
info at: http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/index.php?author=2/foaf.rdf
gpg key: http://pgpkeys.pca.dfn.de:11371/pks/lookup?
x509 root ca certificate: http://b4mad.net/CA/
"(update: somehow the plugin breaks the use of WordPress “more” tag. So
I have disable the plugin)"
Dr. John Breslin
DERI, NUI Galway
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Hi everybody,
I just published a blog post that describes how the SIOC ontology will be
implemented into the next version of Talk Digger (talkdigger.com).
"Using SIOC ontology to connect Talk Digger with other online communities"
I post it there because I think that you could be interested in it, and I would
like to have your opinions on what I wrote and how I will proceed (errors,
improvements, etc).
- So, what is Talk Digger (currently)?