Hi folks,
Just a couple of notes from my attempt at modelling a blog with SIOC:
The distinction between Site and Forum is awkward, I don't want to
introduce a top-level pseudo-forum for the weblog. I'm not convinced
that Site and the host properties provide any value.
sioc:container_of is awkward, sioc:post would be nicer.
I don't like all the duplication of DC and FOAF terms. Not invented
here syndrome? You've even reinvented rdf:type.
The spec talks in length about a Types module, but I can't find a
link to it. http://rdfs.org/sioc/types/ is mentioned in the comment
Hi all,
I've just finished a first version of the PHP Exporter API for SIOC.
It can be downloaded here
(I'll certainly submit it to PEAR later)
While waiting for more documentation, you can have a look at how it is used in DotClear exporter:
Finally, I've also setup a Wiki page for it:
Hello all, I have put together another piece of software... a SIOC
exporter for mailing
list archives, please read more at http://b4mad.net/datenbrei/
Christoph Görn
Usability schmusability... where's the part where we talk about how
this helps users kick ass?
Hello all, I have written up some idea of another sioc data exporter
at http://b4mad.net/datenbrei/archives/2006/05/22/sioc-from-foafroll/
Abstract: Why not reuse a foafroll to generate sioc data from it? How
to map some stuff?
Feedback more than welcome!
blogging at: http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei
info at: http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/index.php?author=2/foaf.rdf
gpg key: http://pgpkeys.pca.dfn.de:11371/pks/lookup?
x509 root ca certificate: http://b4mad.net/CA/
as discovered by ldodds while debugging some stuff with me http://
rdfs.org/sioc/ns#link must not be in range of a Literal but a Resource.
blogging at: http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei
info at: http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/index.php?author=2/foaf.rdf
gpg key: http://pgpkeys.pca.dfn.de:11371/pks/lookup?
x509 root ca certificate: http://b4mad.net/CA/
Hello all,
I've been playing with different SIOC things and have a question
how a Community is defined? SIOC assumes that a Site hosts different
Forums , which may be derived from blogs or mailingslists. All that
is held in a RDF store. From my understanding, a linkage (which
defines two or more sources of SIOC data as "the same Community")
between a Google mailinglist and a blog is missing. How could that be
linked up?
Using a rdf:Collection like in http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-primer/
#example17 still needs to type the Collection, requiring a
Any other ideas for linkage of SIOC source to form a community?
Hi all,
I've just commited the auto-discovery links feature in Drupal exporter.
You can get this in CVS right now, and I think the tarball will be available soon (http://drupal.org/node/24925
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A new version of DotClear exporter is available.
I moved from 0.2 to 1.0 as this is now a "real" plugin in the DotClear spirit (remote install from blog admin).
It now supports auto-discovery links as Uldis suggested.
Yet, as DC architecture doesn't handle header modifications at the moment, you have to add a <?php SIOC::autodiscovery ?> line in your template header, as the install mentions.
Hi, All !
Would it be possible to add an inverse property of [ foaf:holdsAccount
] to FOAF ?
The foaf:holdsOnlineAccount property is used to say that a person
[foaf:Person] has a user account [sioc:User subClassOf
foaf:OnlineAccount] on an online community site.
It is equally important to express the inverse the relationship - that
the account X is held by a person P.
Could we come up with the name for this property and add it to FOAF?
Name proposals:
a) foaf:heldBy
b) foaf:hasHolder
c) foaf:ownedBy
[ http://captsolo.net/info/ ]
Hi guys -
Uldis (or anyone else interested!) - maybe can I ask you to send a quick
e-mail to Raju detailing SIOC open source work to date / future? They
are in the political participation domain.
Sorry Raju, I'll get back to you myself when back from leave...
Original message from the Structured Blogging list below.
Thanks a million -
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: RE: [Structuredblogging-discuss] Stuctured Blogging and SIOC
Date: Thu, 25 May 2006 13:40:14 +0200
From: Raju Bitter