Might be a nice way to visualise conversations...
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Pathway - A vision for an RDF browsing/editing tool
Resent-Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 05:44:23 +0000
Resent-From: semantic-web@w3.org
Date: Wed, 27 Sep 2006 14:44:01 +0900
From: Karl Dubost
To: Semantic Web
This tool is usable only on Wikipedia and Mac OS X, but the UI is
exactly what I expect in terms of hiding/showing the Semantic Web. It
would be worthwhile to contact the author and talk with him about
RDF. We could try for example on a personal RDF IMDB, or a personal
Here is an updated example for the SIOC specification:
It is a draft version and will be included in the specification.
Waiting for your feedback.
Best regards,
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A document listing current implementations of SIOC will form a part of
the SIOC W3C member submission.
This wiki page contains a draft document where we can collect
information. If you have implemented SIOC anywhere please add
description and URLs of your implementation to this document.
Currently I've copied some content from our BlogTalk paper into it.
Tasks that need to be done:
- collect all the information.
- format it.
- review and improve it
I see somebody has added a section "SPARQL Endpoints: These are
solutions that expose SIOC Data via SPARQL Endpoints" to the list. What
Another part that needs improvement in the SIOC specification is a
description of its relations with and usage together with other
We have created a new wiki page to describe this. Please contribute
your views.
This document may get quite lengthy and detailed - therefore we may
consider having it as a separate document that is a part of the member
submission. Then we can fill it with more information (figures,
examples?) how to use them together.
Section of the specification "External Classes and Properties" has some
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Dan Brickley
Date: Sep 20, 2006 10:31 AM
Subject: [Fwd: RDF Validator moved to new server - graph issues gone]
To: semantic-web@w3.org
I'm forwarding this to a wider audience, as I know the RDF Validator
graphing facility was used and appreciated by many on the SWIG
discussion list. Thanks to the W3C folks for keeping it running and
moving it to a better server!
For those who don't know what I'm talking about:
> Now it is time to get things going, gather your comments and start
> implementing! In order to kick off the whole effort and discuss
> strategies in which form to proceed we invite you all for a conference
> call on
> Wed, September 20, 5pm-6pm CET / 11am-12noon EDT
> * Alignment with overlapping efforts (e.g. SIOC)
I hope there are SIOC developers who will participate in the telco.
Unfortunately I will not be able to join, but John Breslin will be
Axel, could you please inform this list about SIOC releveant things
there were discussed in the telecon once it's finished?
Hi all,
It is my great pleasure and privilege to announce the availability of
SWAML 0.0.1. This first release is an important step to represent a
mailing list in RDF, but it's only the starting point.
SWAML reads a collection of email messages stored in a mailbox (from a
mailing list compatible with RFC 4155) and generates an RDF description.
It is written in Python using SIOC as the main ontology to represent in
RDF a mailing list. There is still such much work to do; then, we would
be very grateful of any feature request or any bug report.
Release donwload: http://prdownload.berlios.de/swaml/swaml-0.0.1.tar.gz
My blog has RDF inside, core stuff is RSS 1.0 vocab. Does anyone
happen to a SPARQL CONSTRUCT for RSS 1.0 to SIOC?
Getting off topic, but I'd also be interested in any other CONSTRUCTs,
SPARQL & XSLT around the syndication formats.
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Hi All,
The sites typically publish web services interfaces for programmatic Search
and Content Management services (typically SOAP and/or RESTian). These
services may be generic in nature (standardized signatures covering input
and output message formats) or service specific (where signatures are unique
to specific offering a 'la current Web 2.0 API usage patterns.
It is against this backdrop that we would like to suggest the following
enhancements to SIOC:
Class sioc:Service:
in-range-of : has_sevice, has_host
in-domain-of : service_of, host_of
Generic Services (Site-wide):
I am sending this to sioc-dev too, as sioc was thinking of using
the :Content element from atom-owl.
As I am thinking of changing this, I thought you should know.
Hi, my previous post was a little long, which may not have made it
clear that I am thinking of changing the ontology.
The idea is to use literals wherever they seem obviously suited. This
requires us to use create the following new literal types:
- :xhtml
- :html
- :xml
I had thought of doing this before but was help up by two things
(that I can remember)
1. I had not seen literals used widely with special types