WordPress SIOC plugin - a new version (v1.18) is out!
Get it at the usual location [1].
Please install it and let us know your feedback.
Added: export of FOAF info in SIOC pages for Posts and Comments.
Improved: can now control if e-mail addresses are shown or hidden in
SIOC/FOAF User profiles (default:hidden).
We would like to get it as much SIOC information in the new format as
possible (in this new format) in order to use it for experiments with
SIOC browsing - to publish results in a paper at BlogTalk conference
[1] http://rdfs.org/sioc/wordpress
[2] http://blogtalk.net/Main/Program
I still need to improve the information provided in sioc:User pages.
That will be done with the next update.
[ http://captsolo.net/info/ ]
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