Hi Kingsley -
Thanks for the responses, CCing to list...
Talk soon,
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Ontology suggestions needed
Date: Mon, 28 May 2007 11:48:28 -0700
From: kidehen
To: John Breslin
References: <465B09F4.7070400@deri.org>
On May 28, 12:57 pm, John Breslin
> Hi all -
> Thanks for all your recent comments both on and offlist.
> A few more ontology suggestions we need your help with.
> (1)
> We have sioc:topic which can link Sites, Forums, Posts etc. to resources
> that are topics of those documents or containers... (Also,
> unfortunately we did not use foaf:topic as the domain is a Document,
> which some of the SIOC classes are not). We can also use dc:subject for
> free text. But what if we want to say that a particular Post describes
> a book or is about two books, perhaps something like sioc:about or
> sioc:describes is needed.
Why not Tag (via SKOS) the post for this purpose? The rest of the
specificity should be in the content of the post (i.e. content
A Post about a book could be a "Book Review" or a Post that mentions
the Book. If it is a "Book Review" then a sioc:Item subclass for
"Reviews" should be adequate. If it's a Post that mentions a book then
"sioc:related" should suffice. Otherwise, just Tag the post.
> (2)
> We plan to add Category and Tag classes to the sioc:types module to help
> with classifying the above sioc:topics for import/export. Suggestions
> welcome.
> (3)
> We want to add has_part/part_of as subproperties of the corresponding
> DCMI terms (hasPart/isPartOf AFAIR).
> (4)
> I am of the opinion that a Community is NOT a subclass of Space. A
> Space is where data resides, but a community extends beyond mere data.
Community is Data.
Data is atomic when dealing with Networks, really.
A Community is one representation of Data in specific context (be it
your AddressBook, Blogroll, Boardscape etc..). A Community is a type
of Data Space.
The conceptual partitioning here ultimately aids and simplifies URI
dereferencing. If you don't have a conceptual starting point for
traversing graphs you end up with an extremely expensive graph route
traversal and route construction.
A single URI should expose:
1. Communities
2. Conversations across communities
3. Types of conversations (Blog Posts & Post Comments, Mailing List
Posts, Wiki Articles and Talk Pages etc..).
If a Community isn't a Data Space then what does it become? How does
this make the cost of URI dereferencing (aka Graph Traversal) more
effective etc?
Note, the depth and breadth of URIs is what ultimately determines the
value of a URI. There will be URIs and URIs on the Semantic Data Web.
I hope SIOC provides a mechanism for coherent construction of rich
URIs (rich is expressed in depth and breadth of Linked Data).
> (5)
> We still need a way to recommend to people looking at the SIOC Types
> module what kind of vocabularies can be used for Items contained in
> particular Container subclasses. For example, to say that in a
> sioct:AddressBook - that you could use JohnsAddressBook (of type
> sioct:AddressBook) container_of John (of type foaf:Person or foaf:Agent)
> - without having to define millions of subproperties of container_of to
> link things, because these are only suggestions (someone may choose to
> put something else into their AddressBook). Ideas needed :-) This is
> related to an idea we had for a Related Ontologies ontology [1].
I think being able to dereference the Schema / Ontology is a starting
point. Ultimately, RDF Authors (direct or indirect) will lookup
dereferencable ontologies and use this as an unobtrusive mechanism for
"Term ReUse". If I can dereference the SIOC Types Modules I can
actually demonstrate the point by adding it to:
http://www.openlinksw.com/blog/~kidehen/index.vspx?page=&id=1203 .
Which also means it would play well in our SPARQL QBE Tool (which will
ultimately include RDF Authoring capability since it is actually
inspired by RDF Author: http://rdfweb.org/people/damian/RDFAuthor/Tutorial/Tutorial1/).
> [1]http://wiki.sioc-project.org/index.php/SuggestedOntologiesOntology
> At the moment we'll just have something like:
> addresses.
> That seeAlso could be replaced by something more descriptive like...
> or:
> Something similar could exist for properties that you want to use to
> relate to classes ("useAsProperty" with a suggestedDomain and a
> suggestedRange).
> Thanks, looking forward to hearing from you,
> John.
> --
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[Fwd: Ontology suggestions needed]
On 5/29/07, Kingsley via proxy of John Breslin wrote:
> > free text. But what if we want to say that a particular Post describes
> > a book or is about two books, perhaps something like sioc:about or
> > sioc:describes is needed.
> Why not Tag (via SKOS) the post for this purpose? The rest of the
> specificity should be in the content of the post (i.e. content
> structure).
> A Post about a book could be a "Book Review" or a Post that mentions
> the Book. If it is a "Book Review" then a sioc:Item subclass for
> "Reviews" should be adequate. If it's a Post that mentions a book then
> "sioc:related" should suffice. Otherwise, just Tag the post.
Tagging alone will not help here. For the same reason why people came
up with the structured blogging or microformats while they could have
used simple tags "business card", "review", ...
Two reasons:
1.1) Tags are often local to the site. SKOS or not matching tags from
different sites is going to be a difficult task. And since tags are
text-based you will have different names for book reviews in many
languages. Does not sound like a place for tags or SKOS when you can
define facts like this very precisely with RDF.
1.2) Even if you knew that this is a book review, you need to point to
the Book it describes, or to a Review the post contains which point to
the Book itself. We need a property that will link a post to one or
more objects (e.g., a Book) it is about. Once we have this linking
property, we can explicitly define the type of its object [ _a a
publications:Book ].
The suggestion about tagging is applicable in another situation -
tagging something as a "Book review" can be a simple way for end users
to indicate it is a review. The application (SIOC plugins, ODS, ...)
will take this hint and extract all the detailed RDF from the post. It
will still need to be supplied with the information about the object
(e.g., a Book), possibly supplied in the post.
> > (4)
> >
> > I am of the opinion that a Community is NOT a subclass of Space. A
> > Space is where data resides, but a community extends beyond mere data.
> >
> Community is Data.
> Data is atomic when dealing with Networks, really.
> A Community is one representation of Data in specific context (be it
> your AddressBook, Blogroll, Boardscape etc..). A Community is a type
> of Data Space.
The root of these problems is that both classes are new and not
applied in SIOC data in practice. That means they are not grounded in
real implementations and the only thing how we can determine their
meaning is by how they are described in the ontology and its
How can you tell if "Something A" is a subclass of "Something B" if we
have not really tested either. All depends on the definition then (and
we are free to change the definition in the ontology before we
finalise the specification).
If the definition of a Space is a "space where data reside", then
community is not a Space because people (foaf:Persons) can also be
part of a Community and they sure are not data (in the common
understanding). From this point we have a question - what is easier? -
(a) to leave out the subclass, and add it later if needed; or (b) to
add it now and try to remove it if we find it not suitable. It is hard
to take a statement away, so in my view (a) is a better chioce now.
What we can do is: revise definitions for both classes, coming up with
more precise definitions if needed. And build implementations that use
this data, which (how it is used) determine in the end real meaning of
the data.
> I hope SIOC provides a mechanism for coherent construction of rich
> URIs (rich is expressed in depth and breadth of Linked Data).
It is not a part of the ontology specification, but SIOC plugins for
WordPress, etc. have implicit rules how the URL to request some data
can be formed. Currently it is not explicitly defined in the documents
of SIOC project, but we may think about it and work on the SIOC
protocol description as a way to construct rich URIs to request SIOC
> > (5)
> >
> > We still need a way to recommend to people looking at the SIOC Types
> > module what kind of vocabularies can be used for Items contained in
> > particular Container subclasses. For example, to say that in a
> I think being able to dereference the Schema / Ontology is a starting
> point. Ultimately, RDF Authors (direct or indirect) will lookup
> dereferencable ontologies and use this as an unobtrusive mechanism for
> "Term ReUse". If I can dereference the SIOC Types Modules I can
What we need before that is a way how to point to other ontologies.
Your initial approach was to subclass those external classes form
sioc:Item thus indicating they all (doap:Project, image:IFD, ...) are
items. This makes sense from the business point of view, but is
intrusive into those other ontologies.
We need to find a way that is less intrusive (does not change
definitions of the external ontologies, if possible) and at the same
time hint that these ontologies can be used to represent a particular
type of objects.
rdfs:seeAlso is probably the weakest / less instructive possible way
to indicate this.
Which may be good for start, unless we find something that is good,
stronger than seeAlso and weaker than subclassing external things from
sioc:Item. In the future we can use related ontologies schema to link
different schemas, but we have to materialise this schema first.
[ http://captsolo.net/info/ ]
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