New version of WP SIOC plugin v1.14:
Available from
Can be seen in action at John's weblog [1]
I updated WP plugin section on - it now contains information
about the most recent version.
Bugs fixed:
- all bugs that caused XML validation errors
- fixed start of CDATA section - it had extra '<'
- fixed bug with
tags being added to sioc:content
If you are using an earlier version, you are advised to upgrade.
Install it and please report if there are any new bugs. :)
- this version is still based on the old - stable version of SIOC
Hi all,
I've updated DotClear [1] SIOC exporter. New version can be downloaded here:
It's still based on the current specs, not the one proposed recently on the ML.
- Added seeAlso links for previous posts, and moved all posts into a 'forum' page (as in drupal exporter);
- Post category (and tags) exported via sioc:topic;
- Internal and external links exported via sioc:related.
Main impact of SIOC changes:
(1) SIOC Exporters
Introduction of foaf:Person - changes how information about
sioc:User(s) is represented.
Yet this change is a welcome one as this will allow to use SIOC data
with applications that already understand FOAF.
sioc:title to be instead of sioc:subject for post title - impact on
Drupal, .Clear.
sioc:type - used in .Clear exporter, but I can't tell if there are
exporter changes needed due to this
sioc:name - used in all 3 exporters for things that are not User or Usergroup
This sums up the impact noticeable on the first glance. You as
Hi, All !
Below is information about proposed changes to the SIOC ontology. John
Breslin and me have made a summary of them which I am posting here to
collect your feedback.
General info about SIOC:
The actual changes to RDFS/OWL "code" can be seen as the difference
between current ontology [1] and the version with proposed changes
implemented [2]. A part of these changes have been discussed on
SIOC-Dev and RDF-Web mailing lists before.
In particular we will be grateful if those of you who have experience
in designing and improving the FOAF ontology would help improve SIOC.
I've put up a page of SIOC enabled sites on the wiki:
Please feel free to add yours to the list.
Dr. John Breslin
DERI, NUI Galway
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Christoph's feedback about the WP SIOC exporter with my comments.
Note: SIOC is open source - if you find any bugs, you are also welcome
to send patches.
... also free to write new exporters or consumers of SIOC data altogether. :)
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Apr 27, 2006 10:48 PM
Subject: Re: SIOC exporter
To: Christoph Görn
> Hey, thanks for the ping!!
You're welcome! :)
By the way - it would be cool if we could discuss the plugin online.
In case you are wondering, it is possible to subscribe to google
groups (e.g., SIOC-Dev) with your existing address, w/o signing up for
These links in point to password protected
pages (but can be found in the ESW Wiki)
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To post to this group, send email to
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Hello, everyone
I am just wondering, was there any talk about the permanent link?
Because, at this moment, I think permanent link is only one thing that can
show your identity. (Refer:
So, I supposed that SIOC export user (and other) metadata as a permanent
And then, this link can be reused by somewhere else.
(It can be reused another UserGroup if it is possible
Or it can be reused in a post.)
Thanks and Regards
Hee Chul
Choi Hee Chul
DERI, Seoul National University, Korea
Mobile : 353-87-413-8962
Email :
New version of the WordPress SIOC plugin is available at:
This plugin exports SIOC metadata from the WordPress weblog engine.
The SIOC vocabulary is defined in
This is a fully functional development (beta testing) version.
Please use it and report comments, suggestions and bugs to the mailing
Once the feedback confirms it is OK, it will be put on the SIOC
Changes since last public version (v1.10):
- converted from standalone PHP file to a WordPress plugin
- SIOC auto-discovery link is automatically added to headers of WP
W3C Semantic Web Best Practices and Deployment Working Group
We are pleased to announce the publication of the following technical reports as
second W3C Public Working Drafts:
SKOS Core Guide
SKOS Core Vocabulary Specification
For a summary of revisions since first Working Draft publication see:
SKOS Core is a simple, flexible and extensible language for expressing in a
machine-understandable form the structure and content of concept schemes such as