Is there a framework for Python which implements the ActiveRecord
model for RDF data, similar as ActiveRDF does for RoR ?
Apologies if this is a bit of offtopic. :)
P.S. Thanks for the SIOC Explorer [1], it is a great tool for
exploring SIOC data. Congratulations for the 2nd place at the
Scripting for the Semantic Web challenge!
[1] https://launchpad.net/sioc-ex
[ http://captsolo.net/ | http://sioc-project.org/ ]
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ActiveRDF for Python ?
On 6/25/07, Uldis Bojars wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a framework for Python which implements the ActiveRecord
> model for RDF data, similar as ActiveRDF does for RoR ?
You should have a look at Sparta [1]
I discovered it after writing a RDF2Python script [2] to HTML-ize some
RDF files in Python.
[1] http://www.mnot.net/sw/sparta/
[2] http://apassant.net/blog/post/2006/11/01/128-rdf-nodes-as-python-dictionaries
> Apologies if this is a bit of offtopic. :)
> P.S. Thanks for the SIOC Explorer [1], it is a great tool for
> exploring SIOC data. Congratulations for the 2nd place at the
> Scripting for the Semantic Web challenge!
> [1] https://launchpad.net/sioc-ex
> Thanks,
> Uldis
> [ http://captsolo.net/ | http://sioc-project.org/ ]
> >
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ActiveRDF for Python ?
On 6/29/07, Alexandre Passant wrote:
> You should have a look at Sparta [1]
> I discovered it after writing a RDF2Python script [2] to HTML-ize some
> RDF files in Python.
> [1] http://www.mnot.net/sw/sparta/
> [2] http://apassant.net/blog/post/2006/11/01/128-rdf-nodes-as-python-dictionaries
Initially I cross-posted the question to both ActiveRDF and SIOC-Dev
communities. There was one answer which did not make it to SIOC-Dev,
and is worthwhile mentioning:
Yoan BLANC wrote:
> You've got ActiveRDF for ActiveRecord, there is RDFAlchemy for SQLAlchemy.
> http://trac.openvest.org/wiki/RDFAlchemy
Thanks to everyone for your suggestions, this gives something to explore! :)
[ http://captsolo.net/ | http://sioc-project.org/ ]
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ActiveRDF for Python ?
> Is there a framework for Python which implements the ActiveRecord
> model for RDF data, similar as ActiveRDF does for RoR ?
I have no experience with RoR, then I never used ActiveRecord. But if
you need a ORM for Python, you have several options:
- SQLAlchemy [1]
- SQLObject [2]
- Durus [3]
- Dejavu [4]
Both first they are the best ones, but no is as good as Hibernate [5]
for Java and dotNet.
[1] http://www.sqlalchemy.org/
[2] http://www.sqlobject.org/
[3] http://www.mems-exchange.org/software/durus/
[4] http://projects.amor.org/dejavu
[5] http://www.hibernate.org/
__ ___ _ _
\ \ / (_) |_(_)___ _ _
\ \/\/ /| | / / / -_) '_| Sergio Fernández
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ActiveRDF for Python ?
> > Is there a framework for Python which implements the ActiveRecord
> > model for RDF data, similar as ActiveRDF does for RoR ?
> I have no experience with RoR, then I never used ActiveRecord. But if
> you need a ORM for Python, you have several options:
Sorry, I read very fast your mail and I didn't answer what really you
I don't know something similar like ActiveRDF in Python, but it could be
a great project...
Sergio Fernández
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