I discover that the SIOC WordPress plugin automatically generates URI
for WordPress blog users. For example,
This is fine as long as the consumer of this URI only cares about the
associated semantics of the URI. However, if the consumer wants to
treat this URI as a URL and want to see the content that is linked from
the URI, the above behavior is quite undesirable.
I did a quick hack [1] adding a URL rewrite rule on my web server. Now
if you visit the above URI in your browser, you will be redirected to a
page that is more meaningful to a human.
Summary: URL rewrite rules are useful in building semantic web
applications. :-)
- Harry
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A Simple SIOC Hack
Forgot to mention. This idea came when I was browsing my site's SIOC
profile in the SIOC browser, which is a pretty neat application.
- Harry
HarryChen wrote:
> I discover that the SIOC WordPress plugin automatically generates URI
> for WordPress blog users. For example,
> http://www.geospatialsemanticweb.com/author/harrychen/.
> This is fine as long as the consumer of this URI only cares about the
> associated semantics of the URI. However, if the consumer wants to
> treat this URI as a URL and want to see the content that is linked from
> the URI, the above behavior is quite undesirable.
> I did a quick hack [1] adding a URL rewrite rule on my web server. Now
> if you visit the above URI in your browser, you will be redirected to a
> page that is more meaningful to a human.
> Summary: URL rewrite rules are useful in building semantic web
> applications. :-)
> [1]
> http://www.geospatialsemanticweb.com/2006/07/08/using-url-rewrite-in-semantic-web-applications
> - Harry
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A Simple SIOC Hack
That's a neat hack - helps if you want URIs to be dereferenced to
something that provides most of information about the subject (the
author of the blog in this case).
Note - usually in WordPress the URL ./author/username points to
author's archive page. It is the closest thing (URI) to the
sioc:User's page that I could find. Hence it is actually a page about
the author (and his posts) and differs from the main page as it has
only posts written by a particular person.
See an example at: http://www.johnbreslin.com/blog/author/cloud/
That being said there are cases when I've had to think a new, not
existing URI for some concept. E.g., there is such a problem for
B2evolution SIOC exporter - the blog engine does not provide author's
profile or archive page.
So what URI if any shall we use to identify a sioc:User in this case?
[ http://captsolo.net/info/ ]
On 7/8/06, HarryChen wrote:
> Forgot to mention. This idea came when I was browsing my site's SIOC
> profile in the SIOC browser, which is a pretty neat application.
> - Harry
> HarryChen wrote:
> > I discover that the SIOC WordPress plugin automatically generates URI
> > for WordPress blog users. For example,
> >
> > http://www.geospatialsemanticweb.com/author/harrychen/.
> >
> > This is fine as long as the consumer of this URI only cares about the
> > associated semantics of the URI. However, if the consumer wants to
> > treat this URI as a URL and want to see the content that is linked from
> > the URI, the above behavior is quite undesirable.
> >
> > I did a quick hack [1] adding a URL rewrite rule on my web server. Now
> > if you visit the above URI in your browser, you will be redirected to a
> > page that is more meaningful to a human.
> >
> > Summary: URL rewrite rules are useful in building semantic web
> > applications. :-)
> >
> > [1]
> > http://www.geospatialsemanticweb.com/2006/07/08/using-url-rewrite-in-semantic-web-applications
> >
> > - Harry
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A Simple SIOC Hack
One peculiar thing though - your biography page (which is a nice way
to get to know more about you as one of the people who collaborate
here in SIOC-Dev) contains a SIOC autodiscovery link, but the URL it
is pointing to is the main page of the blog:
Of course that page does not contain machine readable SIOC RDF/XML information.
It could be the rewrite that's fooling the SIOC plugin - the page
appears to be on the blog (as can be seen by WP template on this
page), yet it is not a regular blog post. If you can find out where is
the problem I'll fix the SIOC plugin.
[ http://captsolo.net/info/ ]
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