Christoph mentioned on #sioc (when crschmidt visited us and told a bit
about FOAF in LJ):
17:39 < [GNU]> ja, but never managed that it worked on my feeds
17:39 < [GNU]> there is no docs :( i think it was a one safari
developer hack
People developing this (Safari Syndication) seem to be devoted to
making it better. The best thing to do would be to readd their mailing
list [1] and ask questions if you want to know how it detects/processes
FOAF and submit bug reports to Apple bugtracker.
Basically - submit as a bug any FOAF profile Safari is not detecting.
Thanks to Danny Ayers who brought this information up on #swig. :)
P.S. It would be good if they switched to real RDF parsing (as opposed
to creating hard to maintain XSLT) to process FOAF. To do that they
probably need more uses of RDF and more motivation and data than just
LiveJournal and FOAF (and/or more marketing of the Semantic Web).
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