This is a quick intro from the AtomOwl list. AtomOwl is trying to do
its best to map the atom syndication format to rdf. The idea is to
stick as closely as possible to the intuitions of atom xml folk, so
that one can use AtomOwl to reason about atom in a way that is
immediately obvious to the atom folk. This should also to help explain
how one can use other vocabularies such as sioc or foaf with atom.
AtomOwl is now quite readable and is available here:
Since SIOC has some relations with feeds it would be interesting to
have the input of your community to how your vocabulary maps to
AtomOwl. Also there is still space for improvements in the ontology.
Another very interesting aspect of AtomOwl is that it should make it
possible to create SPARQL endpoints for atom repositories, so that
people with atom backgrounds will find it very easy to query those
There is an AtomOwl google group at
Henry Story
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It's in subversion at:
On 22 Jul 2006, at 20:18, Christoph Görn wrote:
> damned... wrong address :)
> Anfang der weitergeleiteten E-Mail:
>> Von: Christoph Görn
>> Datum: 22. Juli 2006 20:17:33 MESZ
>> An: sioc-dev@googlegroups.com
>> Betreff: Re: AtomOwl
>> Hey, have you used Onmi Graffle for the UML-like diagram on http://
>> bblfish.net/work/atom-owl/2006-06-06/ ? Would you mind sending me
>> the .graffle if so?
>> Thanks, Christoph
>> Am 12.07.2006 um 17:04 schrieb bblfish:
>>> AtomOwl is now quite readable and is available here:
> --
> blogging at: http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei
> info at: http://B4mad.Net/FOAF/goern.rdf#goern
> gpg key: http://pgpkeys.pca.dfn.de:11371/pks/lookup?
> op=get&search=0xB10DFF8D88FD746C
> x509 root ca certificate: http://b4mad.net/CA/
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To post to this group, send email to sioc-dev@googlegroups.com
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For more options, visit this group at http://groups.google.com/group/sioc-dev
Hey, have you used Onmi Graffle for the UML-like diagram on http://
bblfish.net/work/atom-owl/2006-06-06/ ? Would you mind sending me
the .graffle if so?
Thanks, Christoph
Am 12.07.2006 um 17:04 schrieb bblfish:
> AtomOwl is now quite readable and is available here:
Christoph Görn
Usability schmusability... where's the part where we talk about how
this helps users kick ass?