A document listing current implementations of SIOC will form a part of
the SIOC W3C member submission.
This wiki page contains a draft document where we can collect
information. If you have implemented SIOC anywhere please add
description and URLs of your implementation to this document.
Currently I've copied some content from our BlogTalk paper into it.
Tasks that need to be done:
- collect all the information.
- format it.
- review and improve it
I see somebody has added a section "SPARQL Endpoints: These are
solutions that expose SIOC Data via SPARQL Endpoints" to the list. What
can we add to this section? Most of our SPARQL endpoints are
experimental and URLs are quite volatile - e.g., some URLs listed in
SIOC SPARQL endpoints page no longer work. ODS can be one candidate.
Let's get this document together! :)
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