My blog has RDF inside, core stuff is RSS 1.0 vocab. Does anyone
happen to a SPARQL CONSTRUCT for RSS 1.0 to SIOC?
Getting off topic, but I'd also be interested in any other CONSTRUCTs,
SPARQL & XSLT around the syndication formats.
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SPARQL snippets?
At [1] you will find an XSLT script to convert Atom->SIOC.
It is based on Morten's "Any Feed to RSS 1.0" script. Works with some
Atom 1.0 feeds that I tested it with but it is raw and there must be
many cases where it still fails (and I am only learning XSLT). If you
notice any bugs please report them along with URL on which it fails
and suggest how to fix them if possible.
Some problems that need to be solved:
1. If there is information about the author described for an atom:feed
(but not for atom:entry), it is only attached to sioc:Forum, leaving
sioc:Posts without information about the author.
Would be nice to attach the same authorship information to each
sioc:Post and a way to do it is to give author of atom:feed a nodeID
(unless it has an author URI defined) and then use this nodeID or URI
with foaf:maker for each post. Simple to express in RDF but how to do
that in XSLT ??
Other problems from "nice to have" department:
2. Often the content of an entry is escaped HTML. It would be nice to
get plain text version of it to put into sioc:content (or
3. It would be nice to extract hyperlinks from feed entry content and
express them as sioc:links_to property of sioc:Post - similar as SIOC
exporters do.
These could be achieved by using regular expressions, but are there
reg-exps in XSLT?
4. If the feed does not have information about an author but we know
it from external sources or even knows author's FOAF profile url this
information could be integrated with converted feed data.
Any other suggestions on how to extend this transformation?
On 9/29/06, Danny Ayers wrote:
> My blog has RDF inside, core stuff is RSS 1.0 vocab. Does anyone
> happen to a SPARQL CONSTRUCT for RSS 1.0 to SIOC?
> Getting off topic, but I'd also be interested in any other CONSTRUCTs,
> SPARQL & XSLT around the syndication formats.
Danny, this should add another tool to your collection of syndication
feed transformers. Is there a wiki page that you use to collect links
to things like this?
[ ]
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SPARQL snippets?
On 9/29/06, Danny Ayers wrote:
> My blog has RDF inside, core stuff is RSS 1.0 vocab. Does anyone
> happen to a SPARQL CONSTRUCT for RSS 1.0 to SIOC?
I've just wrote different queries to translate RSS to SIOC, the more
appropriate for your feed should be:
PREFIX sioc:
PREFIX content:
PREFIX dcterms:
PREFIX foaf:
?channel rdf:type sioc:Forum .
?channel sioc:link ?channel_url .
?channel dc:title ?channel_title .
?channel dc:description ?channel_description .
?channel sioc:container_of ?item .
?item rdf:type sioc:Post .
?item sioc:link ?item_url .
?item dc:title ?item_title .
?item dcterms:created ?item_created .
?item sioc:content ?item_content .
?item content:encoded ?item_content_encoded .
?channel rdf:type rss:channel .
?channel rss:link ?channel_url .
?channel rss:title ?channel_title .
?channel rss:description ?channel_description .
?channel rss:items ?items .
?items ?li ?item .
?item rdf:type rss:item .
?item rss:link ?item_url .
?item rss:title ?item_title .
?item rss:description ?item_content .
?item dc:date ?item_created .
?item content:encoded ?item_content_encoded
I've also blogged about RSS / SIOC using CONSTRUCT and different steps
to do this at
> Getting off topic, but I'd also be interested in any other CONSTRUCTs,
> SPARQL & XSLT around the syndication formats.
> Cheers,
> Danny.
> --
> >
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