Dear colleague, this is to inform you about the availability of
OntoSelect, a multilingual ontology library and ontology selection
service that has been under development at DFKI since 2004:
OntoSelect collects, analyzes and organizes ontologies that have been
published on the (Semantic) Web. You can browse ontologies according to
size (number of classes, properties), representation format (DAML, RDFS,
OWL), connectedness (score over the number of included and referring
ontologies) and human languages used for class/property labels:
OntoSelect is somewhat similar to the Semantic Web search engine Swoogle
but includes a more extended functionality for ontology selection that
provides automatic support in selecting ontologies relative to a URL
(i.e. a complete web document) instead of one or more keywords:
You can try out this functionality with any URL. We obtained some good
results for instance with Wikipedia pages.
Please let us know about your feedback. Have fun!
Paul Buitelaar, Thomas Eigner
DFKI GmbH - Language Technology Lab &
Competence Center Semantic Web
Saarbruecken, Germany
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