Hi all,
I have installed the Wordpress SIOC Plugin.
I am wondering if it is possible to reuse an existing FOAF description
for sioc:User instead of generating this data from scratch? I would
like to reuse my existing FOAF profile.
Cheers, Peter
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Peter Scheir wrote:
> I have installed the Wordpress SIOC Plugin.
> I am wondering if it is possible to reuse an existing FOAF description
> for sioc:User instead of generating this data from scratch? I would
> like to reuse my existing FOAF profile.
> Cheers, Peter
Welcome to the SIOC-Dev team. :)
That's a good question - re. SIOC + existing FOAF.
It sure can be done, we just need to specify how the WP SIOC plugin
should behave in this case. I'll describe some details of where FOAF
information appears, please comment about changes needed.
FOAF is currently used in:
- User profiles, e.g., [1]
- Posts [2] and comments [3] (which are posts anyway)
[1] http://tinyurl.com/so2hh
[2] http://tinyurl.com/y5tvuo
[3] http://tinyurl.com/sh434
In posts and user profiles sioc:User and foaf:Person are used in
parallel. In comments sioc:User only appears if the comment author is a
registered used, foaf:Person appears as a foaf:maker of comment in all
For foaf:maker (in posts and comments) the plugin outputs:
- label / name
- mbox_sha1sum
- homepage (if available)
- seeAlso to the FOAF profile
The minimum necessary change would be to add an rdfs:seeAlso link
(pointing to your existing FOAF profile) to the foaf:Person in user
profile + to add foaf:holdsAccount relation between your URI in that
profile and the sioc:User.
There are more changes that can be built on top of this.
P.S. Sorry for a late reply.
[ http://captsolo.net/info/ ]
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On Nov 17 2006, 12:53 pm, "peter.sch...@gmail.com"
> > > I have installed the Wordpress SIOC Plugin.
> > > I am wondering if it is possible to reuse an existing FOAF description
> > > for sioc:User instead of generating this data from scratch? I would
> > > like to reuse my existing FOAF profile.
On Dec 15 2006, 9:39 am, "Alexandre Passant" wrote: wrote:
> On 12/14/06, Uldis Bojars
> > The minimum necessary change would be to add an rdfs:seeAlso link
> > (pointing to your existing FOAF profile) to the foaf:Person in user
> > profile + to add foaf:holdsAccount relation between your URI in that
> > profile and the sioc:User.
> I think we can simply add a owl:sameAs property in the created user
> profile linking to the existing FOAF profile, so that the
> foaf:holdsAccound link on the generated FOAF profile will be enough.
Thank you for the suggestions. I used rdfs:seeAlso [1]. Personally I
think that the semantics of owl:sameAs would fit better for my need
but I am unsure about using OWL vocabulary together with SIOC (does
anyone else do this?).
Cheers, Peter
[1] http://blog.scheir.net/index.php?sioc_type=site
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On 12/14/06, Uldis Bojars wrote:
> The minimum necessary change would be to add an rdfs:seeAlso link
> (pointing to your existing FOAF profile) to the foaf:Person in user
> profile + to add foaf:holdsAccount relation between your URI in that
> profile and the sioc:User.
I think we can simply add a owl:sameAs property in the created user
profile linking to the existing FOAF profile, so that the
foaf:holdsAccound link on the generated FOAF profile will be enough.
I'll make the changes on the API, then we can update the exporters.
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