I am adding Calendars, Reviews, Resumes, Contact/Social Networks, to
the mix re. SIOC. At first glance you might find this a little
confusing, but it isn't when you factor in the following:
1. Online Communities are a Distributed Collaborative Application
Profile in Internet and Web Space
2. Microformats are going to generate a lot of Calendar, Review,
Resume, and Contact data on the Web in traditional Microformat and RDF
based Microformat forms (e.g RDF/A)
3. We need to make it nice and easy for SPARQL Query Processors (for
instance) to perform "on the fly" transformation (via GRDDL/XSLT) of
said data sources (which are RDF Data Sources that SPARQL Processors
treat as Graph URIs)
4. These subclasses also provide unobtrusive extension of SIOC meaning
that you can use SIOC in its current form without any confusion.
Here is RDF/N3 dump of our suggestions:
#Processed by Id:,v 1.144 2003/09/14 20:20:20 timbl Exp
# using base file:/tmp/tmpU7ROYZ-rdfconverter
# Notation3 generation by
#,v 1.148 2003/12/04 21:20:17 timbl Exp
# Base was: file:/tmp/tmpU7ROYZ-rdfconverter
@prefix :
@prefix annotea:
@prefix atom:
@prefix calendar:
@prefix dc:
@prefix exif:
@prefix foaf:
@prefix owl:
@prefix rdf:
@prefix rdfs:
@prefix resume:
@prefix review:
@prefix sioc:
@prefix vs:
@prefix wot:
atom:Entry rdfs:isDefinedBy atom:;
rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Post .
resume:Resume rdfs:isDefinedBy resume:;
rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Post .
: a owl:Ontology;
dc:description "Extends SIOC (Semantically Interlinked Online
Communities) core ontology by defining subtypes and subproperties of
SIOC concepts.";
dc:title "SIOC Types Module";
owl:import sioc: .
:Addressbook a rdfs:Class;
rdfs:isDefinedBy :;
rdfs:label "Addressbook";
rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Forum .
:Bookmark a rdfs:Class;
rdfs:isDefinedBy :;
rdfs:label "Bookmark";
rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Forum .
:Briefcase a rdfs:Class;
rdfs:isDefinedBy :;
rdfs:label "Briefcase";
rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Forum .
:Calendar a rdfs:Class;
rdfs:isDefinedBy :;
rdfs:label "Calendar";
rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Forum .
:Community a rdfs:Class;
rdfs:isDefinedBy :;
rdfs:label "Community";
rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Forum .
:Discussion a rdfs:Class;
rdfs:isDefinedBy :;
rdfs:label "Discussion";
rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Forum .
:Feed a rdfs:Class;
rdfs:isDefinedBy :;
rdfs:label "Feed";
rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Forum .
:Mail a rdfs:Class;
rdfs:isDefinedBy :;
rdfs:label "Mail";
rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Forum .
:Photo a rdfs:Class;
rdfs:isDefinedBy :;
rdfs:label "Photo";
rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Forum .
:Poll a rdfs:Class;
rdfs:isDefinedBy :;
rdfs:label "Poll";
rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Forum .
:ResumeCollection a rdfs:Class;
rdfs:isDefinedBy :;
rdfs:label "ResumeCollection";
rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Forum .
:ReviewCollection a rdfs:Class;
rdfs:isDefinedBy :;
rdfs:label "ReviewCollection";
rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Forum .
:Weblog a rdfs:Class;
rdfs:isDefinedBy :;
rdfs:label "Weblog";
rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Forum .
:Wiki a rdfs:Class;
rdfs:isDefinedBy :;
rdfs:label "Wiki";
rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Forum .
review:Review rdfs:isDefinedBy review:;
rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Post .
annotea:Bookmark rdfs:isDefinedBy annotea:;
rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Post .
calendar:VEVENT rdfs:isDefinedBy calendar:;
rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Post .
exif:IFD rdfs:isDefinedBy exif:;
rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Post .
foaf:Person rdfs:isDefinedBy foaf:;
rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Post .
Here is the RDF/XML dump:
<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
Communities) core ontology by defining subtypes and subproperties of
SIOC concepts.
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Update: SIOC Type Modules Additions
On 31/01/07, kidehen wrote:
> All,
> I am adding Calendars, Reviews, Resumes, Contact/Social Networks, to
> the mix re. SIOC. At first glance you might find this a little
> confusing,
Afraid I haven't been following developments recently, and I did get
confused when I saw :
:Photo a rdfs:Class;
rdfs:isDefinedBy :;
rdfs:label "Photo";
rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Forum .
A photo is a forum?!
Then I saw what you were getting at:
Is this kind of naming convention already in place? It does seem
confusing - surely at least at least a label or description should
Also, it might not be an issue, but it'd probably be worth checking
the output of the various microformat2rdf XSLTs [1], just to make sure
there aren't any mismatches in the modelling (hCard in particular is
tricky - there was scheduled chat a few days ago, but I'm still not
sure whether a vCard in RDF is going to be a card or a person...).
(DanC's migrating them there from )
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Update: SIOC Type Modules Additions
I think it would be better to keep some things out of subclassing them from sioc:Forum.
If you want to say that a thread is linked to a photo (eg to map flickr discussions), I think it would be more appropriate to have
[] a sioc:Forum
sioc:topic [
a xxx:Photo
rather that considering the Photo as the forum itself.
Or maybe think of photo as a subclass of sioc:Post if you consider it will have some reply and is the starting point of the discussion ?
[] a sioc:Forum
sioc:container_of [
a sioc:Photo
Yet, we could have:
MailingDiscussion, Wikis, ... as sioc:Forum
Mail, WikiPage, ... as sioc:Post
BTW I think that:
foaf:Person rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Post
will lead to strange things, ie
foaf:Person made foaf:Person
and also breaks the idea that foaf:Person is "real" while sioc:Post is "virtual"
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Update: SIOC Type Modules Additions
On Feb 1, 4:42 am, "Alexandre Passant" wrote: wrote: wrote:
> Hi,
> On 1/31/07, Danny Ayers
> > On 31/01/07, kidehen
> > > All,
> > > I am adding Calendars, Reviews, Resumes, Contact/Social Networks, to
> > > the mix re. SIOC. At first glance you might find this a little
> > > confusing,
> > Afraid I haven't been following developments recently, and I did get
> > confused when I saw :
> > :Photo a rdfs:Class;
> > rdfs:isDefinedBy :;
> > rdfs:label "Photo";
> > rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Forum .
> > A photo is a forum?!
> I think it would be better to keep some things out of subclassing them from
> sioc:Forum.
> If you want to say that a thread is linked to a photo (eg to map flickr
> discussions), I think it would be more appropriate to have
> [] a sioc:Forum
> sioc:topic [
> a xxx:Photo
> ]
> rather that considering the Photo as the forum itself.
Ah! My bad! I meant Photo Gallery (Album):
:PhotoGallery a rdfs:Class;
rdfs:isDefinedBy :;
rdfs:label "Photo Gallery";
rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Forum .
I am trying to Model a Shared Photo Album (Photo) collection in the
Context of SIOC.
Although SIOC started out initially as interpreting Online Communities
as those of the discussion variety, it is clear to me that this model
is flexible enough to address shared data in general (Data Spaces).
This is what I am trying to expose via these extensions.
The models I am presenting have been verified with Insance Data which
really helps unravell what I am trying to unveil here.
> Or maybe think of photo as a subclass of sioc:Post if you consider it will
> have some reply and is the starting point of the discussion ?
> [] a sioc:Forum
> sioc:container_of [
> a sioc:Photo
> ]
This is exactly what the Model does i.e. Photo metadata via:
exif:IFD rdfs:isDefinedBy exif:;
rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Post .
> Yet, we could have:
> MailingDiscussion, Wikis, ... as sioc:Forum
> Mail, WikiPage, ... as sioc:Post
> BTW I think that:
> foaf:Person rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Post
> will lead to strange things, ie
> foaf:Person made foaf:Person
> and also breaks the idea that foaf:Person is "real" while sioc:Post is
> "virtual"
Hmmm.. I'll look at this again since this came from the desire to
expose a social network from a Share Address Book. Which brings us
back to vCard in RDF etc..
I'll post an update..
> Best,
> Alex.
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Update: SIOC Type Modules Additions
To further reduce / eliminate confusion. I am moving away from
sioct:PhotoGallery to sioct:ImageGallery since sioct:Images for the
actual images..
I will send an update later today.
On Feb 1, 11:01 am, "kidehen" wrote: wrote: wrote: wrote:
> On Feb 1, 4:42 am, "Alexandre Passant"
> > Hi,
> > On 1/31/07, Danny Ayers
> > > On 31/01/07, kidehen
> > > > All,
> > > > I am adding Calendars, Reviews, Resumes, Contact/Social Networks, to
> > > > the mix re. SIOC. At first glance you might find this a little
> > > > confusing,
> > > Afraid I haven't been following developments recently, and I did get
> > > confused when I saw :
> > > :Photo a rdfs:Class;
> > > rdfs:isDefinedBy :;
> > > rdfs:label "Photo";
> > > rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Forum .
> > > A photo is a forum?!
> > I think it would be better to keep some things out of subclassing them from
> > sioc:Forum.
> > If you want to say that a thread is linked to a photo (eg to map flickr
> > discussions), I think it would be more appropriate to have
> > [] a sioc:Forum
> > sioc:topic [
> > a xxx:Photo
> > ]
> > rather that considering the Photo as the forum itself.
> Ah! My bad! I meant Photo Gallery (Album):
> :PhotoGallery a rdfs:Class;
> rdfs:isDefinedBy :;
> rdfs:label "Photo Gallery";
> rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Forum .
> I am trying to Model a Shared Photo Album (Photo) collection in the
> Context of SIOC.
> Although SIOC started out initially as interpreting Online Communities
> as those of the discussion variety, it is clear to me that this model
> is flexible enough to address shared data in general (Data Spaces).
> This is what I am trying to expose via these extensions.
> The models I am presenting have been verified with Insance Data which
> really helps unravell what I am trying to unveil here.
> > Or maybe think of photo as a subclass of sioc:Post if you consider it will
> > have some reply and is the starting point of the discussion ?
> > [] a sioc:Forum
> > sioc:container_of [
> > a sioc:Photo
> > ]
> This is exactly what the Model does i.e. Photo metadata via:
> exif:IFD rdfs:isDefinedBy exif:;
> rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Post .
> > Yet, we could have:
> > MailingDiscussion, Wikis, ... as sioc:Forum
> > Mail, WikiPage, ... as sioc:Post
> > BTW I think that:
> > foaf:Person rdfs:subClassOf sioc:Post
> > will lead to strange things, ie
> > foaf:Person made foaf:Person
> > and also breaks the idea that foaf:Person is "real" while sioc:Post is
> > "virtual"
> Hmmm.. I'll look at this again since this came from the desire to
> expose a social network from a Share Address Book. Which brings us
> back to vCard in RDF etc..
> I'll post an update..
> Thanks.
> Kingsley
> > Best,
> > Alex.
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vCard in RDF
On Wednesday 31 January 2007 22:20, Danny Ayers wrote:
> but I'm still not
> sure whether a vCard in RDF is going to be a card or a person...).
Timbl, Harry and I had a F2F in Boston last week, and we resolved that
most of the vCard properties should be of domain foaf:Person. There are
certain complicating issues, though. Harry is writing up a W3C note, to
be published RSN.
Kjetil Kjernsmo
Semantic Web Specialist
Opera Software ASA
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vCard in RDF
On 01/02/07, Kjetil Kjernsmo wrote:
> On Wednesday 31 January 2007 22:20, Danny Ayers wrote:
> > but I'm still not
> > sure whether a vCard in RDF is going to be a card or a person...).
> Timbl, Harry and I had a F2F in Boston last week, and we resolved that
> most of the vCard properties should be of domain foaf:Person. There are
> certain complicating issues, though. Harry is writing up a W3C note, to
> be published RSN.
Many thanks Kjetil, nice to hear something's been sorted.
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vCard in RDF
Danny Ayers wrote: wrote:
> On 01/02/07, Kjetil Kjernsmo
>>On Wednesday 31 January 2007 22:20, Danny Ayers wrote:
>>>but I'm still not
>>>sure whether a vCard in RDF is going to be a card or a person...).
>>Timbl, Harry and I had a F2F in Boston last week, and we resolved that
>>most of the vCard properties should be of domain foaf:Person. There are
>>certain complicating issues, though. Harry is writing up a W3C note, to
>>be published RSN.
> Many thanks Kjetil, nice to hear something's been sorted.
Interesting! May I ask whethr also overlaps between vCard and Foaf were
I did some very initial draft work on nailing down these these overlaps
with SPARQL CONSTRUCT snippets [1]
but probabvly people can give me more pointers. Fact is that some
properties of vCard and FOAF overlap and it is not clear to me for all
how to define proper mappings between them. It would also be good to
make a decicsion which ones to use preferably.
e.g. "prefer vCard where defined and more specific" would be a perfect
such decision in my opinion.
Dr. Axel Polleres
email: url:
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