In order to try Alex's SIOC PHP API - please see an early version of
SIOC exporter for b2evolution.
The API makes it really easy to create SIOC data exporters. Thanks,
Alex! :)
The only difficulty was to "downgrade" the API from using PHP5 objects
to PHP4. All the files are in [1]:
- sioc.php - the exporter for b2evolution
- sioc_inc4.php - SIOC API adapted to PHP4
- sioc_inc5.php - original PHP5 API
[1] http://sw.deri.org/svn/sw/2005/08/sioc/php_api/
You may try the exporter here:
- http://sparql.captsolo.net/b2evo-0.9.2/xmlsrv/sioc.php?blog=1 (site)
At this moment the exporter only displays info about site, a forum
(current blog) or the last post in a forum.
Please record all the bugs and suggestions at:
(there are subsections for DotClear and B2evo exporters under SIOC API)
Please e-mail me if you would like to make changes directly into
Subversion (for this or other SIOC projects hosted at sw.deri.org).
[ http://captsolo.net/info/ ]
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Using SIOC API: Exporter for b2evolution
Hi Uldis!
> In order to try Alex's SIOC PHP API - please see an early version of
> SIOC exporter for b2evolution.
> The API makes it really easy to create SIOC data exporters. Thanks,
> Alex! :)
> The only difficulty was to "downgrade" the API from using PHP5 objects
> to PHP4. All the files are in [1]:
> - sioc.php - the exporter for b2evolution
> - sioc_inc4.php - SIOC API adapted to PHP4
> - sioc_inc5.php - original PHP5 API
Really great! I just implemented it on my blog [http://fgiasson.com/blog/xmlsrv/
sioc.php ...) and it seems to work #1 at a first glance. I will take a deeper
look later to check if I can find any errors.
Great work, thanks!
Frederick Giasson
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SIOC PHP API and b2evolution exporter - Updates
> > The API makes it really easy to create SIOC data exporters. Thanks,
> > Alex! :)
> >
> > - sioc.php - the exporter for b2evolution
> > - sioc_inc4.php - SIOC API adapted to PHP4
> > - sioc_inc5.php - original PHP5 API
> --- b2evolution SIOC export: ---
There's a new update to the SIOC exporter for b2evolution.
While previous was just a proof of concept, this one provides a SIOC
export of the majority of relevant information.
You should be able to browse it with the SIOC broswer and follow
rdfs:seeAlso links to information about users, posts and comments.
Things which are still missing:
- i can't figure a URI for users (sioc:User) as b2evo does not have
public user pages;
- comments do not provide sioc:has_creator yet [because SIOC API
currently only generates seeAlso links from the user ID, but most of
commenters are not registered on the system and hencee do not have a
user ID]
- there is no SIOC autodiscovery yet (you may have skin templates for
a short-term solution)
> --- SIOC PHP API: ---
There have been important changes to the SIOC PHP API:
- fixed some bugs
- decoupled SIOC objects from SIOCExporter class
Note: PHP5 API does not have the class decoupling, but does contain the
Both the API and b2evo exporter are available at [1].
For detailed changelogs use 'svn log' and 'svn diff' on source file
[1] http://sw.deri.org/svn/sw/2005/08/sioc/php_api/
Please provide feedback and help to improve these tools.
[ http://captsolo.net/info/ ]
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Using SIOC API: Exporter for b2evolution
Note: I may have "overdone" with the use of references (&) when
downgrading to PHP4.
If so, that is a lack of experience with PHP4 OO code. Please point out
improvements and unnecesary use of references, if any.
I am somewhat confused when seeing different sources one not using
references in PHP4 OO code at all (book Professional PHP4) and the
other saying that it is essential to use them everywhere [1].
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Using SIOC API: Exporter for b2evolution
Actually, I don't really know what's the best practice.
But as I planned to submit the API to PEAR, they'll certainly have remarks about it.
Regarding, the PHP version, if PEAR acccepts a project with a PHP4 and a PHP5 version, I'll keep both, if not, indeed, I think we have better to keep PHP4 only, as most blog / forum softwares are designed for PHP4 at the moment.
Using SIOC API: Exporter for b2evolution
Alexandre Passant wrote:
> Actually, I don't really know what's the best practice.
> But as I planned to submit the API to PEAR, they'll certainly have remarks
> about it.
> Regarding, the PHP version, if PEAR acccepts a project with a PHP4 and a
> PHP5 version, I'll keep both, if not, indeed, I think we have better to keep
> PHP4 only, as most blog / forum softwares are designed for PHP4 at the
> moment.
Can we stick to PHP4 only for now and adapt it to work in both PHP4 and
I was trying to keep changes in sync in both, but when doing a bigger
change the overhead of keeping both in sync is too much (and with
little use if we can have one version for both).
[ http://captsolo.net/info/ ]
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