Hello, I just read thru the current version of the SIOC Ontology at
http://sw.deri.org/svn/2005/08/sioc/spec/sioc.html and have a few
comments and question:
1) what is sioc:id for? it is supposed to hold an identifier for a
instance of a thing? So, it is a IRI/URI ? Feels redundant...
2) sioc:link to be deprecated... good, fells redundant too :) so it
should be marked as owl:DeprecatedProperty
3) created_at, modified_at, description, subject, title are those
going to be subProperties of DCMI equivalents?
4) sioc:ip_address this property seems to belong to a "administrative
domain" of SIOC, I dont see why the ip address is useful to note down
with the sioc:Post. In contrast, I would like to see my privacy saved
and I think especially in Germany it may be a legal problem to note
down the ip of the editor and publish it somehow (via a sioc:Post
publically accessable).
5) sioc:next_version/previous_version needs some more annotation.
6) maybe there should be two new SIOC Modules:
6.1) SIOC Statistics for things like sioc:views and
6.2) SIOC Versions for prev/next_version and related properties
That's all for today, thanks for the current state of SIOC! :)
blogging at: http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei
info at: http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/index.php?author=2/foaf.rdf
gpg key: http://pgpkeys.pca.dfn.de:11371/pks/lookup?
x509 root ca certificate: http://b4mad.net/CA/
more SIOC Ontology changes?
On 16 Jun 2006, at 16:46, Christoph Görn wrote:
> 4) sioc:ip_address this property seems to belong to a
> "administrative domain" of SIOC, I dont see why the ip address is
> useful to note down with the sioc:Post.
A large number of wikis and forums (Wikipedia, for example) record
and publish poster's IP addresses. It discourages noise from
anonymous posters.
> In contrast, I would like to see my privacy saved and I think
> especially in Germany it may be a legal problem to note down the ip
> of the editor and publish it somehow (via a sioc:Post publically
> accessable).
Are you just speculating or can you back this up in any way? This is
the first time I've heard this claim.
> 5) sioc:next_version/previous_version needs some more annotation.
> 6) maybe there should be two new SIOC Modules:
> 6.1) SIOC Statistics for things like sioc:views and
> 6.2) SIOC Versions for prev/next_version and related properties
> That's all for today, thanks for the current state of SIOC! :)
> Christoph
> --
> blogging at: http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei
> info at: http://B4mad.Net/datenbrei/index.php?author=2/foaf.rdf
> gpg key: http://pgpkeys.pca.dfn.de:11371/pks/lookup?
> op=get&search=0xB10DFF8D88FD746C
> x509 root ca certificate: http://b4mad.net/CA/
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more SIOC Ontology changes?
Am 17.06.2006 um 11:26 schrieb Richard Cyganiak:
> It discourages noise from anonymous posters.
I think SIOC itself is a more powerfull distinguishing mechanism than
(dynamic) ip addresses. So I dont see any advance in having
ip_address in SIOC Core Module. But that's just my point of view.
>> In contrast, I would like to see my privacy saved and I think
>> especially in Germany it may be a legal problem to note down the ip
>> of the editor and publish it somehow (via a sioc:Post publically
>> accessable).
> Are you just speculating or can you back this up in any way? This is
> the first time I've heard this claim.
This is a speculation, thats why I said "it may be a legal problem"
Users may not want to see their ip addresses published. If they have
not agreed on a usage agreements that allows the publisher to publish
their ip address their ip address is classified as private data.
Publishing it on site A (backed by a usage agreement) having site B
aggregate site A and republish the user's ip (without a usage
agreement between site B and the user) may not be what the user
wanted to be done with his data.
In any way, every body is free to use sioc:ip_address, I just wanted
to be SIOC not that intrusive.
Christoph Görn
Usability schmusability... where's the part where we talk about how
this helps users kick ass?