Hi,I'm new of this NG and I hope tha someone can help me! Sorry for my
english but I don't speak it very well!
Someone know a system (software or tool) that allow to do a semantic
annotation (and possibly retrieving) of audio? I need it for a
description in my university thesis ...but I don't find
anything....PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!
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System for semantic annotation and retrieving of audio
Sorry,I have forgotten,i need a software for semantic annotation with
MPEG-7 and ontologies language!!!
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Fwd: System for semantic annotation and retrieving of audio
[missed this cc first time around - thanks Uldis]
On 18/12/06, giugy wrote:
> Hi,sorry for my english but I don't speak it very well.
> Someone know a system (software) that allows to do a semantic
> annotation (and possibly retrieving) of audio? I need it for my
> university thesis but I don't find anything....PLEASE HELP ME!!!!
There is now a W3C Multimedia Semantics Incubator Group, you may find
useful material on their mailing list etc.
MusicBrainz is probably the best-known system, although last I heard
was they were backing away from RDF.
Amongst my bookmarks I also found:
Although the usual transport for podcasting, RSS 2.0, is a lost cause
when it comes to semantics, there is an "enclosure" module for RSS 1.0
(RDF) that may be useful:
In the same area there are also Atom, Yahoo! Media RSS and iTunes RSS
which all use namespaced XML, so are possible candidates for the GRDDL
When retrieving audio from a HTTP server, it's usually thought of a
big binary one-URI object, but with a bit of hackery it's possible to
address media files with more granular URIs, see:
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Fwd: System for semantic annotation and retrieving of audio
> MusicBrainz is probably the best-known system, although last I heard
> was they were backing away from RDF.
> http://musicbrainz.org/
Should see a new version of the ontology on planetrdf in the next day or two. I
am working on it since friday, the spec (html and rdf), RDF samples and SPARQL
queries examples should be online soon enough.
Also, the mapping between musicbrainz and this new revision of the ontology will
be included into PTSW and its future sparql endpoint.
I'll keep you updated.
Take care,
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