WordPress SIOC plugin v1.14

New version of WP SIOC plugin v1.14:

Available from http://rdfs.org/sioc/wordpress
Can be seen in action at John's weblog [1]

[1] http://johnbreslin.com/blog/?sioc_type=site

I updated WP plugin section on rdfs.org - it now contains information
about the most recent version.

Bugs fixed:
- all bugs that caused XML validation errors
- fixed start of CDATA section - it had extra '<'
- fixed bug with

tags being added to sioc:content

If you are using an earlier version, you are advised to upgrade.
Install it and please report if there are any new bugs. :)

- this version is still based on the old - stable version of SIOC
- bugs yet to be fixed: to give sioc:Forum a URI instead of rdf:nodeID


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